Hi, My name is Ross Cranwell and I’m the cofounder and CEO of Milk Video. This is my first time on ProductHunt, but my co-founder Lenny Bogdonoff, has released a couple of products here already!
Milk Video is a web application where anyone can take a webinar, or any video recording, and turn it into captioned and branded highlight clips in a matter of minutes.
Lenny and I met in Shanghai 10 years ago and last year we came together again in New York to build out Milk Video. Working in Demand Generation at B2B companies, I saw how arduous it was to extract the amazing quotes from a video and to present it in a video clip that would match our brand. Lenny's experience in both video and engineering brought the idea to life and we officially launched in January of 2021.
Our aim is to help content creators turn around video into multiple assets at speed, and thus extract (or 'milk') as much value from a webinar whose shelf life often expires after the event.
Milk Video's most frequent use case since we launched in late January is for B2B marketers to take a webinar recording and turn it into a 2-minute clip to be shared on Linkedin. We also have podcasters turning audio into captioned clips, and often see more views on the clips than the original full recording itself.
**Here's how Milk Video works**
- Upload your video
- Your recording is automatically transcribed (and can be edited to correct typos)
- Clip the section(s) you want to highlight
- Add design elements such as styled captions, logos and text descriptions to your clip.
We offer a 7-day trial where you can upload as many videos as you like. We will be on-hand to also support you with any questions as you create your clips.
Thank you very much for all your support. Lenny and I will be online all day to answer any questions.
@daryllman if you need something for talks have a look at mine https://recontent.xyz, super basic MVP at the moment but upload the file and let me do the magic :)
This is amazing - I see a lot of my friends who are podcasters manually do this. Great to see automation around this.
Quick question, I see a lot of templates being used on your site. Do people manually create them or are there beautiful templates available (like Canva for video captioning) to choose?
@piyush_narwani great question!
Right now we have a few basic layouts, and about 60 preset color themes that work well. The end user can simply use that preset, but mostly they will then take that as a base and add their own visual elements, like logos and headers.
We are working on a library of templates, like Canva.
You can think if Canva is to Photoshop. Milk Video is to Premiere.
I've worked with producing webinars and the biggest problem is distributing content. There's just so much in a 2-3 hour long video but it's hard to extract insights and then clip and make them social-media "friendly".
Milk.video makes everything so much more easier and does all the work for you. I love that the highlights become mini-video bites of their own and are so easy to consume! You can't help but stop and watch the whole thing when it pops up on your timeline! Congrats on the launch Lenny! I know you've worked super hard on this 🙏🏼
@thiscodeworks You explain the problem perfectly! Lenny has worked incredibly hard on the product, and the results in such a short period of time are amazing. Plenty more to come and thank you for the support, Mishka.
@eivindhaa thanks Elvind! We focus on English right now, but we've already had a number of requests for other languages, so definitely moving towards that.
Pretty cool to see a product I use on Product Hunt.
I've been using Milk to promote my podcast (http://www.allschemesconsidered.com) on LinkedIn. Here's some sample videos:
All the social media companies are pushing video really hard in their algos. Recording and editing a podcast is super fun for me, but the audience-building part didn't come naturally. Milk lets me make professional quality highlights super easily. Surprisingly, the viewership on these highlight videos is 100x the listenership on the podcast.
Anyway, I like the software.
@yunyu there are a load of individual tools out there (transcription, or video editing), but few who create a seamless workflow like this. thanks a million for the support.
Love the product! Onboarding on point and transcript quality is great🔥. I've been using it to clip sections of a webinar and it worked wonders! Can't wait for the team to add some new templates to make creating beautiful videos easier! Congrats on the launch!
Created one of these for a webinar we did recently and it was a smashing hit! Everyone wanted it and it was our best performing post on LI to date. A great tool to generate novel marketing content.
@neil_mclean2 thank you, Neil! You guys turned that webinar around in no time, which is exactly the way to do it. Delighted to see the results were there.
@neil_mclean2 We were impressed by Milk Video's performance and how it was able to quickly crunch the huge video we uploaded. Impressive engineering. Nice work guys!
@neil_mclean2@chris_hoyle thank you, Chris. Lenny has focused a lot on optimizing the speed to converting video to transcripts - am glad it was useful to you guys!
@sergey_afanasyev thank you Sergey. We work with a number of non-profits already and give free access to help support them with their communications --- so would love you to try it out.
Fantastic overview video - I have a bunch of webinars that we have been doing that I am excited to try this out on! So cool and looks totally easy to pull together. Nice work!
@rowancockett Thanks a million, Rowan! I felt the pain myself with editing these webinars, so the goal is definitely to make it as easy as possible to pull it together. Message me if you need anything!
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Highlight Reels for Zoom Recordings
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Milk Video