Ouriel Ohayon

Mighty - An iPod for Spotify

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Gabriel Reynard
I would buy for sure! I like to run and hate to take my cell with me for music, I have a iPod for that, but I don't always remember to update the musics like I do on Spotify, so I have to listen boring musics sometimes (this gadget would change this)!
Anthony Pu
@gabrielreynard this is exactly it! we love it when people see the value and connect with the product immediately.
This has the "wow" factor for sure, and the nostalgia is strong. What's truly remarkable is that it's a standalone wearable with a true purpose: it's not designed to assist your smartphone usage. I'd stop short of saying this changes my running or exercise routine, though.
Anthony Pu
@samgimbel thanks for the perspective - we love this kind of feedback. what's your current routine/setup and what do use to consume music?
@pupupower I'm a Spotify user, so this would be great for that. I use Runkeeper to track my runs and typically have music playing throughout my whole run. I never, ever look at my phone, it's just to keep me aware of where I am on the road. I start a shuffled Spotify playlist before my run begins and change songs using the headphone cord. This device works for a subway ride, a trip, or similar. The tracking piece is really necessary for exercise, but is obviously out of scope here :). Great work, can't wait to see it in the wild!
Samir Doshi
@pupupower @samgimbel no worries! Good question ... man i tell yah --- I use pandora and youtube all the time .. I just hate thinking about decisions for leisurely activities ...
Anthony Pu
@samgimbel partnerships like runkeeper are actually on our roadmap for v2 as well. great to know that's an important piece for you.
Edin Vejzovic
Cool, a physical controller, will there be controlls for sources other than spotify later ?
Anthony Pu
@edinvejzovic if other streaming services and audio is what you mean, the answer is yes that is on our roadmap!
Ryan McMillan
This is a great idea, mostly for active use but I can sympathise that while on a run, at the gym or even going snowboarding when my iPhone keeps turning off because it's too cold for the phone to handle, this is a perfect tool. My guess is usually people are mainly subscribed to one main music streaming device so a simple replication for youtube music, Soundcloud, apple music etc would be a great way for them to open the market and keep the product simple.
Anthony Pu
@rhmcmillan this is absolutely the plan for Mighty! While we're focusing on Spotify for v1 (because we love them and are avid users), we would love to be open to integrate with all music streaming services.
Ryan McMillan
@pupupower That's the way. It's a great idea. Getting Spotify to promote the product with themselves on their app is the next step to surge sales.
Anthony Pu
@rhmcmillan That's the dream! We know we're small (but Mighty; had to do it) so we're hoping this proven demand will get us some attention!
Helen Crozier
Oh my gosh we do... my husband runs with his little shuffle as he has a fitbit surge for tracking his stats. This makes me very happy .... I just hope it makes production/delivery for Christmas 2016.
Anthony Pu
@helencrozier we tried to be both aggressive and realistic with the timeline and we are doing everything we can to make good on that promise. And you being happy is a great thing for us and your husband (happy wife, happy life).
Helen Crozier
@pupupower husband has lost iPod shuffle charger yet again. It does contain playlists from 1999 so not such a tragedy 😌. Everyone in my family would use this. I love power walking without my phone. You've made me very happy. Good luck!
Anthony Pu
@helencrozier you should totally get the family pack! thanks again for the support.
Anthony Pu
hi all - i am the head of ops at Mighty. happy to answer any and all questions about Mighty and our Kickstarter campaign! it is a dream come true and an absolute honor to be on Product Hunt.
Christian Ochsenkühn
With smartphones getting bigger and bigger such a small device is perfect for running. In gym though, one could put the smartphone somewhere and use wireless headphones.
Anthony Pu
@herryeahde that's exactly it! We see smartphones being the new laptop (ie central hub) for this generation and Mighty being a focused gadget in this new smartphone ecosystem.
Mike Jirout
Awesome product and great team. Hey @Pupupower... can you pre-load that Toni Braxton remix that we used to jam to?
Ryan Leys
Would love to see a fully waterproof version of this-- it looks like it could be the perfect device for swimming.
Anthony Pu
@heyryanleys great idea and something we've considered. probably won't make it into v1, but serving specific needs like swimmers is definitely on the roadmap!
Julian Lozano
Just the other day I was thinking why couldn't there be a music player device for Spotify, this answers it. Great work!
Anthony Pu
@julianlozanoaz that's exactly the process we went through! thanks for the support.
Ron Yang
Awesome idea - love this. Perfect for running and being on-the-go
Samir Doshi
It's so funny how things are so cyclical --- and they always come back to form and function with that ease of use sprinkled in... at the end of the day we just want to push a button brainlessly as we have so many decisions to make in a day --- love it!
Anthony Pu
@samir_doshi thank you! we agree that Mighty is part retro, part modern. sometimes simple is the way to go. we also think smartphones are the new laptops/central hubs (ie bigger, more expensive) so focused products like Mighty will be valuable.
Sarthak Grover
Saw this earlier and almost went for it. It looks great, I am just a little wary of the product being dependent on Spotify (or their API) as a 3rd party, maybe these are the Meerkat/Twitter fears in my mind. If Spotify was building this, that would be different. Curious how this will work out in terms of ToS with Spotify?
Anthony Pu
@sarthakgrover great question. Yes, Mighty is fully compliant with all of Spotify’s Terms of Use. Mighty runs on Android, leverages the API like many others do, and follows all of the same DRM policies that are implemented on a smartphone. And we believe this device is a benefit for Spotify as it keeps their current Premium users sticky and can convert new and free users.
Sarthak Grover
@pupupower Glad to hear that! Saw the timelines on the project, from a DVT/EVT to a PVT unit in 3 months (Jul-Nov)! That is a "mighty" aggressive timeline =) I actually hit all the pain points today that were mentioned in discussions here. Had to go for a run and didn't want to carry my bulky phone, so ended up downloading some music (based on my playlist for running, in Spotify) and then sync'ed it with the iPod....sigh. Goodluck on the launch!
Anthony Pu
@sarthakgrover thanks for the support and the reminder on our timeline. we wanted to be both realistic and aggressive. thanks again.
Sean Song
@sarthakgrover @pupupower I agree with Sarthak. My Kickstarter experience was painful as well. We shipped Sugr Cube on time. But that's just the hardware piece. Our Android app was delayed for 3+ months and several software features we promised were delayed as well. Planning and scoping was very important for hardware startups.
Ratoo Li ⌘
I always want something similar since I personally keep an iPod nano 6th gen in backpack in case I have a very long trip. But considering the price, what do you think of smart watches (Apple Watch easy around $200, Android Wear $100-$150) and Pebble Core, which has same price but much more versatile?
Daniel E. Trevino
Simple concept yet difficult to execute properly. I'm a phablet user and taking that thing with me when I exercise is NOT an option. This is the perfect solution. Definite buy. Great work guys.
Ouriel Ohayon
I love spotify. but i don t know if i need another device just for it
Anthony Pu
@ourielohayon first off, thanks so much for creating this page! we agree this may not be for every single spotify user, but we think it solves a pain point for many of them.
Ouriel Ohayon
@pupupower happy to agree with you once i have tried it. i am big spotify user, but was never disturbed by the fact it s already on my phone when i am on the road
Anthony Pu
@ourielohayon what about exercising/running? do you have an arm band or carry your phone?
Ouriel Ohayon
@pupupower yes. was referring to that. never disturbed me. maybe more convenient with yours but not sure how much more and worth spending extra $$
Anthony Pu
@ourielohayon understood and totally get it. i'm going to make it a personal goal to make the experience so good that you'll convert! thanks again for the feedback.
Liam Murphy
I was literally thinking of developing this idea over the last 2 weeks. Then I see this. Woah
Anthony Pu
@lemurf great minds think alike?
Romi The Kid
Would definitely buy. This is a great, useful, real idea.
Anthony Pu
@romikid thanks for the support. happy to answer any questions you may have!
J.M. Saponaro
In 1 year (max 2?), your smartwatch will be able to store your Spotify playlists... Not sure about the long term need of this... :/
Anthony Pu
@jmsaponaro we have lots of plans for the next few years as well! there is so much more to do beyond Spotify such as other music services, other audio, fitness content. Mighty is our first stab at solving one problem in this space.
Mihály Szabó
Great gadget! Can it store songs from Spotify as the app or does it need constant WiFi connection to operate?
Anthony Pu
@mihalyszabo thanks! Mighty stores onto the device via our app (same functionality to how you can save songs for offline play on your phone). once you're done syncing your music onto your Mighty, no connection is needed and you can leave your phone.