
Memorink - The missing part of Facebook

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Laurent Amoravain
So excited to finally show our app on Product Hunt today. We are a team of 3 guys from south of France (@loloamoravain, @Jefon and @g4vroche). We've been working on it for a year and a half now. We started with the idea that there is no place for our memories on the Internet. Our personal stories on the Internet start with the uprising of Facebook in 2006. However, none of our childhood or teenage memories can be found online. Why should our virtual world begin in 2006 and the rest be forgotten? We created the app with this idea in mind, creating a stunning timeline of your life. Would love to get feedback from the Product Hunt community. :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@loloamoravain how/do you plan to make money and stick around?
Laurent Amoravain
@chrismessina In a near future, companies (or celebrities) will create their Memorink and we will be able to send it to targeted users. Ex. Pixar creates the Memorink of their movie Inside-Out, from the first drawing to the theater. For the next iPhone 7, Apple creates a special Memorink, from the first iphone till ... Same for a soccer player (we like soccer in France). So on. Also, as mentioned in an other comment, we are seriously thinking about printing memories.
Great app guys ! I often tell myself I should download or note some of my memories I have on my laptop or somewhere because I know I will forgot it otherwise. I recently activated Facebook memories notifications and I can see how important it is to have memories. Do you plan to have a way to print it or something similar?
Laurent Amoravain
@quent1h Thanks a lot for your feedback Quentin. Very happy that you like the app. You are not the first one to ask us for printing memories. We have contacts with a french printer who likes the idea. But first, we need to know more precisely how many of our users are really interested in that. We are thinking of putting a button at the end of your Memorink: "Would like to print my memories". And see what happens.
Facebook allows us to post memories from behind - but I like the idea of having all my memories captured out of Facebook. Do you guys integrate for photos into iCloud and Google Photos (Android backup) - and can I plug in my instagram pictures ?
This sounds like almost a copycat​ of Timehop & On This Day app.
@henkholveck This is actually quite different. While Timehop (which I love, and use every morning) only shows you what you've posted or when you've been tagged on different social networks, Memorink seems to : firstly, only catch the memories you want to, secondly, allow you to remember moments from way before the first social networks. Both are more complimentary than competitors, to my mind. If you have watched Inside Out, I'd say Timehop is the "buffer memory" while Memorink would be the deeper one :)
Laurent Amoravain
@henkholveck Just the part of this is an app about the past though. The most important part of our concept is our "format", what we like to call: "Your Memorink". Once you gathered all of your best moments in the app, just launch your Memorink and Swype through the story of your life. Then, you can keep it secret for you, or share it with the people who you care for. Oh, and we like TimeHop too ;)
Laurent Amoravain
@marwannas Aren't you looking for a job opportunity in the south of France ? ;)
Laurent Amoravain
We are working on it ;) At the moment, it's a standalone app. But we will sure add the possibility to plug in a selection of your Instagram/Facebook pics. We want it to be the story of your life, with your BEST moments, not everything mixed together.
@loloamoravain would be great to have the possibility to mix it with your friends memories like a photo album of a year you spent with your close friends. Looking forward to see the next evolutions! Keep up the good work!
Laurent Amoravain
@quent1h What's special about Memorink, it's its format. If the Memorink of your life works, we can imagine the "Memorink of your Parties", " The Memorink of your trip", "The Memorink of your friendship", ...
Rutger Teunissen
This is definitely going to change our online memories! Nice app there!
Laurent Amoravain
@rutgerteunissen Thanks a lot. We hope so too !