Derek Shanahan

Memo.AI - The wiki that's always up-to-date

Memo is a wiki for Slack teams that’s always up to date! Memo is great for quickly saving onboarding information, meeting notes, devops instructions, or links. Your information will always stay fresh, as Memo will smartly remind you of content that gets stale.

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Derek Shanahan
Two of the smartest founders I know are back at it with Memo, a note-taking app that's built right into Slack. Great post on building this + the challenges of building for Slack here: These guys built on top of Twitter back when that was cool. Mircea & Cristian, what is it about building products that work well on larger platforms that keeps you doing it? How do you navigate the risks of building on top of emerging platforms? And having first released Pogo, what made you pivot towards Memo?
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @dshan for the kind words! ❤️ The tl;dr behind our pivot from Pogo (a Slack bot) to Memo (a note-taking app integrated with Slack) is that bots and conversational interfaces are deeply limited, and that more often than not interactions are better done through GUI than language. We go deeper into that on our blog: Great question regarding building on top Slack! Besides the distribution potential, we think it's worth the risk for two reasons: 1. B2B software doesn't have the same network effects as B2C software, so it's unlikely that any player will have a monopoly on the market (like Facebook has for example). Basically, there will be multiple players in team communication (Microsoft Team, Hipchat, etc.) and in productivity in general (Google Apps, Dropbox, Github, etc.) and we plan to integrate with each of them (we started with Slack, since that's what we use day to day). 2. For now they have a very clear and consistent platform strategy (public roadmap, ideas, etc.) that is fundamentally aligned with their business model. More integrations are good for Slack since it makes their product stickier, but, since they don't make money off ads, they're not competing with developers for attention (unlike social media).
Ben Mehling
@mirceap Very interesting concept here. Due to cost and ability to run 'on prem' (for security reasons), we're on HipChat. We are evaluating "Hangouts Chat" too. Would like to hear any details you can provide on roadmap/timing related to HipChat
Mircea Pașoi
Hi @bmehling , we haven't looked deeply at Hipchat, but we do plan to support it later down the road. In the short-term, we'll add support for G Suite and GitHub login, do you use either of them?
Ben Mehling
@mirceap We are invested in the G Suite ecosystem. It sounds like you're focused on integration w/ them as OAuth providers (great!). I'm really hoping that "Hangouts Chat"* provides 'good enough' functionality for us as there's a lot of advantages for us to stay w/in one "suite". Perhaps as Hangouts Chat becomes more widely released, you'll consider supporting that. Thx! *
Mircea Pașoi
@bmehling Yeah, Hangouts Chat looks very promising, I'm not sure if they have a developer API yet though. As soon as we get access to it, we're going to investigate and see how deep an integration we can build.
Mircea Pașoi
Mircea, CEO and co-founder of Memo here. Thanks for hunting us Derek and hello Product Hunters 👋 We're super excited to share Memo with you! Memo is a note-taking app for technical teams. With Memo it’s quick and easy to save and find code snippets, meeting notes, links, Slack messages, or other short work notes – right inside Slack or on the web. You can write notes using both Markdown and Slack formatting, including @users, #channels and :emoji:. Organize them in boards, and even link different boards and notes between each other for quick access. All boards can either be kept private or shared with your Slack team. We're looking forward to hear your feedback or questions! P.S. We have full support for Slack's new message menus feature:
Stowe Boyd
@mirceap @users I can't find any description of how to use to share links. Are they treated as content in notes? That's it?
Mircea Pașoi
Hi @stoweboyd ! We actually display the title and description for links and Slack files like here: but it's turned off for the launch because we were still fixing some bugs. We're turning this on for everybody this week, but I can turn it on now for you if you'd like!
Thomas Smyth
Love this. Biggest problem of Slack vs email/Asana is that things quickly get lost. Memo does a really nice job organizing everything. Keep building and I am excited to see this grow!!
Mircea Pașoi
That's great to hear, thanks @tjcsmyth! Let us know if you have thoughts or questions.
Cristian Strat
@tjcsmyth Can you tell me a bit more about your experience losing things in Asana/Slack?
Titus Capilnean
Congrats on the launch, guys! I was an early user and saw the evolution from a companion bot to a fully functional info repository that's integrated with Slack. If you and your team work in and around Slack, then it's a great way to organize information and make it easily addressable. 💪🏻
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @titus_capilnea for being an early user and please keep the feedback coming! :)
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @pkwire, the team appreciates the support!
Chris Turlica
Great that looks really innovative, can it integrate/pull in/import Evernote/Google doc?
Liana Dumitru
@cturlica Thanks Chris! We don’t currently support imports from Evernote or Google Docs but we do have it in our roadmap to work on it. However, if you copy / paste notes or documents from any of these tools, Memo should keep them nicely formatted just like in the initial document :)
Chris Turlica
@lianadumitru perfect as long as the formatting stays the same that's great. Also, any plans on live collaboration/commenting on notes (etherpad, firepad on firebase, etc)?
Liana Dumitru
@cturlica Yeah, losing formatting is super annoying, so we made Memo keep it as intact as possible. We have support for collaboration—while your private notes are only editable by you and visible to you, notes from your team’s shared boards can be edited by anyone. We’ll also support live collaboration in the web editor, so you and your teammates will be able to edit the same note at the same time 👩🏻‍💻 👨🏻‍💻
Liana Dumitru
@cturlica Super curious, what notes would you like to import from Evernote into Memo?
Hugo Dozois-C.
I love memo! Use if for all my notes. Congrats on the launch!
Cristian Strat
@dozoisch Thanks so much for being an early user and supporter! How can we make Memo better for you? What do you like/miss the most?
Hugo Dozois-C.
@cgst the feature that made the biggest difference for me was the addition of the archiving! I would love to have my own memo account (independant of slack) where I could have my own note and be able to send them to other people (like read-only)
Cristian Strat
@dozoisch That's great to hear! We're thinking of adding Google & GitHub logins, which would enable you to hold on to your notes across different Slack teams. What would you use as your primary login? When you say sending notes to other people, are you thinking teammates or anyone on the internet who has the link?
Hugo Dozois-C.
@cgst I would totally use that as my primary login. The goal was to send it to people across different slacks. So that I dont have to worry in which slack it is saved (I guess this is what personal boards are for). I guess maybe only personal board could be "to anyone".
Cristian Strat
@dozoisch Makes sense! Thanks so much!
QQ - can you or is there plan for live collaboration on notes? this is a pretty key aspect of why I use google docs for our meeting minutes.
Mircea Pașoi
@matthewedanwoo The short answer is yes. A slightly longer answer is that there's a way to do that right now in Memo: - we're focused on short work notes organized in boards, so when viewing a board you'll see multiple notes, like here: - each note can be edited independently by different people, so if you create a board for a meeting and have different people edit different notes it will work and feel similar to collaborative editing We understand that's not ideal, hence the plan to do real collaborative editing :)
@mirceap @2x awesome good to know, will continue exploring. Thanks for the quick response. Haven't read through all the comments but might be useful to be able to filter the notes by different elements (todo list) / topics (channels) / users. To help keep track of important information.
Mircea Pașoi
@matthewedanwoo You can filter by @user and #channel in "All Notes", here's how that looks: Good point about filtering by checklists, we'll look into adding that. Is there any other filter you think might be useful?
@mirceap oh didn't realize that was possible, might need a better way to discover it like the way slack has approached advance filters. Checklist - would be neat and date tags would be useful if possible, many different ways to implement that feature. If you wanted to chat more about it let me know, you can reach me at
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks for the feedback @matthewedanwoo! We're also running a "beta program" in which users get early access to new features (a new filter/search UI is in the works, we're also working on a desktop app & mobile app). We'll reach out with more details about it.
Henry S
Awesome product built by an smart and talented team! Congrats on the launch. We've been using Memo internally in our company and it's definitely a neat concept. Once thing that would be awesome is if you had a Google Drive integration where we could search for documentation and snippets across Memo and our internal Google Drive documents. Keep up the good work!
Cristian Strat
@henrythe9ths Thanks, Henry! Google Drive integration is coming soon, and we're approaching it in two stages: 1) Adding support for organizing and searching through files saved in Memo, including files from Drive. 2) Adding Google as a login provider, which allows you to organize and search through your team's Drive directly from Memo. Here's a sneak peak of (1) in action: This feature isn't released yet, but it's stable and quite useful if your team uses Drive a lot. We can enable it for your team. Would you like to give it a try?
Julie Stanescu
Keep up the great work, guys! Memo is a time saver! Love it!
Liana Dumitru
@juliastanescu Thanks Julie, we appreciate it!
Mada Seghete
Very cool! Can't wait to try it.
Liana Dumitru
Thanks @mada299, please let us know if you have any feedback or questions!
Definitely, something I am going to try. Finally ditch my inefficient method.
Liana Dumitru
@jasan Thanks for giving it a try—make sure to send feedback or any questions you might have! Super curious what tools you're currently using for note-taking at work.
Swapnil Jain
Congrats on the launch, guys! Been using Memo for all my notes (moved from Evernote) and absolutely love the app. Any plans to launch collaborative editing for teams to collaborate on a memo?
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @swapnil for being an early user, your feedback has been super helpful in making Memo better! We are indeed planning to add collaborative editing soon. In the meantime, here's one way to get the same result: - when viewing a board you'll see multiple notes, like here: - each note can be edited independently by different people, so if you create a board for a meeting and have different people edit different notes it will work and feel similar to collaborative editing Have you tried that with your team?
Swapnil Jain
@mirceap @2x not yet with the team, planning to onboard the team this week. Will share feedback on how that goes :)
Mircea Pașoi
@swapnil got it, let us know how it goes, we’re here to help!
Alec Lazarescu
Very cool. Memo's team is always pushing forward great design interface practices and iterating constantly. It's one to keep watching.
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @alec1a! We're constantly improving Memo, do let us if you have any feedback or questions for us.
Ellen Choi
Great app, especially knowing how hard it is to create truly amazing Slack apps. :)
Mircea Pașoi
So true @lnchoi :) But Message Menus do make a lot of Slack interactions easier - are you planning on adding them to CareerLark?
Mircea Pașoi
@lnchoi Looking forward to it, let me know if I can help! We also shared some technical details in our blog post:
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @franciskim_co! Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about the product.
Oliver Wolf
would be nice to read what is the difference between and evernote
Mircea Pașoi
Good point @wolfoliver ! We should have a page for that, but it boils down to two things: 1. Technical users - that's why we're building stuff like Markdown formatting support, Slack formatting support, Github integration (in the works), etc. 2. Teams - we built Memo to be used at work and for work, that's why we have features like the Slack integration, collaboration, sharing and more. I've written something a bit more in-depth here: Do you use Evernote for work notes? Are you satisfised with it?
Congrats Mircea!
Mircea Pașoi
Thanks @artemerritt ! Dashbot is a critical part of our product iteration process, it would have been so much harder to improve our Slack app without it. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts about Memo.
Aaron Stanush
According to this blog post, Memo was shut down in March 2018:
Sumiko Noda
This product seems to have been discontinued.