Lucas Jacaruso

Memento - The better alternative to skim-reading the news


Every day, Memento distills the main points from the news (facts/events, not opinions), and displays them on a concise timeline. Then, you get quizzed on them. Research shows a short quiz after reading boosts memory by up to 50%.

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Lucas Jacaruso
Hi Everyone! Thanks for checking out Memento. Skim-reading the news is so common these days. I'm just as guilty of half-reading articles as anyone, and one can't be blamed for it amidst our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles. With Memento I aim to create a resource for people who have ruthless schedules but still care about current events and want to know/remember what's happening in the world for discussions, professional reasons, or simply remaining a well-informed citizen. General news will always be free with Memento. Our subscribers have additional access to many categories including Politics, Tech, Health, Science, Business, and counting! Thanks for taking a minute to look at Memento. I'm excited to hear your feedback! Luca
haha, what great timing! I just started up a similar project myself ( It's still a work-in-progress, but I'm glad to see other people exploring this topic. Nice work! :^)
Lucas Jacaruso
@stuffbyspencer Awesome, thanks for sharing!
Lucas Jacaruso
Thanks for checking out Memento! Looking for feedback. How would you rate it and why?