Like a normal truck, the Mellow Drive can be mounted to any skateboard. Giving you the freedom to choose your favorite deck and recycle it into a full on riding machine. With its compact size it also qualifies as a perfect travel mate.
Hi David,
We will stock up our online shop by the end of the year. And wheels will be one of the accessories we will be adding. But we can't give you any final figures at this point yet. Hope you understand.
Stay Mellow!
@boettges@toonster84 Hi Peter, good questions! Remote def. allows you to brake otherwise it´s gone be a bit dangerous with a top speed of 40km/h :) - Second questions is also answered with yes! If you got more questions, check out our webpage, there is also an FAQ section ( ) - Stay mellow!
I've never managed to be much of a skateboarder (not through lack of trying!) but this looks so cool.
I'm going to New York soon and consequently have been watching endless videos from @CaseyNeistat (Founder of Beme). I see him navigating with ease through NYC and New London with his Boosted Board.
Mellow Boards, however, allow you to use a variation of different boards with similar effect. The guys from Mellow Boards can tell you more!!
I imagine skateboard fans out there will love this and it really makes me consider investing in one for getting around... Although I'll leave the tricks to the pro's like @tonyhawk - who will be doing a LIVE Chat here on Product Hunt!!
Can people please just learn to use their legs and push? These lazy toys are just ridiculous. Last week I saw a ~20 year old guy using his self balancing scooter or whatever it's called, next to his grandma who could barely walk..
@nichlaswa Hi Nichlas, I wouldn´t go that far to compare a self balancing scooter with an electric skateboard. However I can see your point about pushing - which by the way you still can do ;). At the end you need to ask yourself the question what the purpose of it would be. As we love to go on surfing and snowboarding trips we didn't want to miss that feeling, of riding a wave in South France or doing some powder turns in the Alps, for the rest of the year. If you love these or other board sports, you will love riding an electric skateboard. I´m pretty sure you would fell in love with it as well :)
I do skate, and I'm worried about shore 80a hardness - that's gonna wear out even if the ride is nice - and the photos show a thin rubber "tire" over the wheel casing - any idea how much replacement wheels will cost?
@passingnotes Hi David,
Thanks a lot for your message and sorry for the late answer.
You are right with the layer of urethane on the wheels being rather thin. This is definitely one of the compromises one has to make when putting a motor inside the wheel but we believe that it’s well worth it. :)
The wheels are easily exchangeable and will be in the price range of normal longboard wheels – so nothing to fear here. Furthermore the wearing off of the wheels depends strongly on how you ride them. If sliding is on the daily menu then of course they will be down rather quickly.
Anyways, what would your favorite wheel hardness be? And why?
We are currently setting up our range of wheels so your whish might be heard. J
Stay Mellow!
@toonster84 the 80 is decent, and i imagine that I would not be tricking on this kind of ride, just imagining normal wear and tear on a thin wheel - would hate to damage the motors or casings!
Mellow Boards
Mellow Boards
Mellow Boards
Mellow Boards
I'm reviewing the MellowBoards Cruiser and love it.
Pros:Smooth, linear, frank accellerations when needed, well designed all around
Cons:If you had to split hair, the Remote could have a better ergonomy.