Jens Rantanen

Mediagavel - Community-built database ranking news media

Mediagavel is a platform aimed to democratize news by facilitating a community-built database ranking news media by trust and general opinion. Rate news sites on a global scale.

Be one of our early adopters and help shape the internet - Our site relies heavily on our trusted users to take a stand against biased publishing.

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Aziz Ergashev
Interesting, as Elon Musk asked for :) Are you going to rank each article or outlet as a whole?
Jens Rantanen
@azizergashev we’re developing a article ranking system as we speak! Right now we’re ranking both Trust and General Opinion of news outlets. Feel free to drop by and if you feel like it give us some feedback on your experience! Thanks Aziz :)
Aziz Ergashev

I need this, I feel manipulated with fake news and unnecessary noise. Need some noise reduction fake news detection like this.


Need such tool in wake of fake news era


hard to say it's in early stage

Jakob Wikström
We agree Aziz! Thanks for the feedback. :)