Hey Product Hunt!
Thanks @chrismessina for hunting us!
Today's launch is about our collection of 22 predesigned themes that were created to meet the high expectations of Admins, SAAS agencies, Ecommerce shops, Bloggers, Developers, and many more. Here is the list of templates:
- Ecommerce
- Admin
- Blog
- Magazine
- Landing Page
- and many more!
All templates are:
- FREE ❤️
- MIT licensed (free for personal & commercial use)
- Based on the latest Bootstrap 5 (with plain JS)
- Designed by professionals with Material Design 2.0 guidelines
We really want to hear your feedback & suggestions if there is any template we should add how we could improve the current ones. Look through them & we hope you enjoy using it!
Take care!
All the templates were created with MDB 5 UI KIT (Material Design for Bootstrap 5).
MDB is a free (MIT license) library, that provides extra features and significantly extends Bootstrap's capabilities :)
MD Bootstrap
Game Of Codes Fantasy Maps
MD Bootstrap