Nikola Brežnjak

Mathventure - Solve a simple math equation as fast as you can

Mathventure is a simple game made for kids to practice math equations in a fun and engaging way.

The correct answer gives points and the wrong answer reduces points. Each game mode has its own high score to encourage competitiveness.

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Nikola Brežnjak
Hey there Product Hunters 👋 I made this game for my son who loves math (I know, right 🙂) Anyways, Mathventure is a simple game made for kids to practice math equations (subtractions, additions) in a fun and engaging way. You get a mathematical equation that you try to solve as quickly as possible by taping the correct answer. Each correct answer gives points and each wrong answer reduces points (duh!). There are three game modes: EASY - subtraction and addition equations with numbers from 1 to 10 MEDIUM - subtraction and addition equations with numbers from 1 to 20 HARD - subtraction and addition equations with numbers from 1 to 100 Each game mode has its own high score to encourage competitiveness. Each game mode also displays the total game time so parents can check how much their kids have practiced. Good luck, have fun and improve your math skills 💪 Take care ❤️
So cool and interesting product. All the best!