
Math Encrypt - Turn any number into a complicated math equation


Transform numbers into complicated math expressions. It's perfect for adding a bit of mystery and fun when answering questions like your age, height, or Wi-Fi password. Enter a number, press Enter, and get a ridiculously-complicated math equation.

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Hey everyone! I'm excited to share Math Encrypt! It’s a fun little tool I made to transform everyday numbers into complicated math equations. Whether you want to give a mysterious answer to your age or make someone solve for your Wi-Fi password, Math Encrypt has got you covered; just enter a number and press Enter. I’d love to hear your thoughts and see the creative ways you use it. Feel free to ask any questions or share your feedback. Thanks for checking it out!
@amit_arora Thank you for the feedback, Amit! The tool's core is open-source here: https://github.com/enjeck/num2ma...
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
Nice. Would you offer any time soon a way to generate it/use the result in https://www.mathjax.org/ for example. that would be helpful!
@bogomep Hey Bogomil! The tool's core is open-source here: https://github.com/enjeck/num2ma... You can integrate the generated LaTeX in MathJax or any other library of your preference.
Ryan Hoover
This is silly. I like it. :)
@rrhoover Thank you!
Max Vi
I fell in love with your design ^)
@max_vi Glad you liked it!
Kyrylo Silin
I love seeing math products here, Karim! How complex are the generated equations? Are there options to adjust the difficulty or types of mathematical operations used? Looking forward to trying it out and seeing how creative I can get with it!
@kyrylosilin Hey Kyrylo! The generated expressions should be somewhat normal for a student who took Calculus I and II courses in college. Unfortunately, there's no options to modify the difficulty currently.
Toshit Garg
Congrats on launch of Math Encrypt....
@toshit_garg Thank you!
sizzy chen
The design of this product is quite intriguing. It would be even better if it could generate math formulas at corresponding levels based on different school grades, difficulty requirements, and specific areas of mathematics
@sizzy Noted! Thank you for your honest feedback, Xixi.
Oleksandr Pryadun
Looks really cool)
Dennis Babych
Hey Karim, it's a nice cool tool but as I mentioned earlier to you on HN it's not accurate with Pi and E. So you can't use the formula to get your initial number back.
@dennisbabych Hi Dennis! Please don't blindly use ChatGPT for math. If you still wanna use it, use the Wolfram GPT here: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-0S5FXLyF.... Please send me the equation if it gets it wrong and I'll double check it. Thank you!
@dennisbabych I have tried 075566 and I have not faced any issues: https://imgur.com/p4kKUbU Please send me a link to the equation. It will help me a lot. Thank you!
Tim de jong
Amazing idea! It's really out of the box; love it!
@mcsnackyu Thank you!
Dmytro Kondakov
This looks super fun for cases you mentioned, love it!
@dimuuu Thank you! Glad you liked it!