Anthony Graddy

March 50 Challenge - Reach out to 50 people during the second half of March.

Reach out to 50 people during the second half of March. Each time you reach out, publicly share it with others.

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Anthony Graddy
There is a heavy emphasis on building in the entrepreneur community, but not a heavy emphasis on sales. The best way to learn something is to just start doing it. The March 50 Challenge's goal is to help you become more comfortable and proficient at sales and marketing. Most people in the developer community are familiar with the concept of #BuildInPublic. It is a way to publicly share what you are building and what you are learning in the process. The March 50 Challenge wants to help you #SellInPublic. By publicly sharing how you are going about selling your product or working on validating your product, this will help you have accountability to continue pushing forward and it will also help others by sharing what you are doing.
Congratulations on launch! March 50 Challenge