May the 4th be with you
Arpit Mishra
Map the Force Within You! β€” Find the fastest Starship to save the rebel base in New York
The New York rebel base is attacked!

NexBillion.ai Star Wars Day map lets you find the fastest Starship & route to the New York base. Share with your friends and find out who can respond to the distress call first.

May the 4th be with you!
Suhail Ameen
@mogita & team put this together in less than 48 hours β€” an incredible effort by a team that’s a big fan of Star Wars. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ **The mission** The distress message was clear to all rebel pilots β€” reinforcement needs to reach the = NY rebel base as quickly as possible. A fraction of a second delay could be enough for the opposition to gain an advantage and shift the momentum of the war. But even in the darkest hour, there's always a faint glimmer of hope that shines through. That glimmer of hope rests on finding the fastest, and safest route to the NY base, all the while avoiding detection by the Imperial forces. Rebel pilots cannot take to the open skies, as the Imperial Forces have their radar systems scanning all possible air routes to New York. Instead, they need to fly as low as possible. For that, they need to find the most optimized route that supports their aircraft's stealth movement. The force is strong with the resistance, young pilot! As a rookie pilot, it’s essential to get you to the NY base. And for that, you’ll need to rely on your trusty NextBillion.ai routing tool. With accurate and optimized routes for any type of aircraft, this handy routing tool will fast track your journey and show the path with the least dangers and traps. The Map is built with NextBillion.ai SDK - https://nextbillion.ai/ Check our products to build unique routing and navigation experiences. Read more: https://medium.com/@nextbillion.... *We will keep adding new bases, countries, and routes to the map. If you wish to contribute, please send a DM to one of the makers.
Nilay Jayswal
Really exciting! Good job guys
Interesting. Congrats on the launch.
Rucha Joshi
such a fun product!
Arpit Mishra
Super cool launch! πŸš€ Good fun
Pradeep Varadaraja Banavara
Lovely. May the force be with you!
Rajnish Kumar
Super dope 😎
Chandramouli Dorai
Cool work, the maps are awesome! :)
Ritu Josan
Awesome work guys, This is really cool!!
Suhail Ameen
@ritu_josan Thank you
Sharad Kumar
Thank you. With this map, I was able to find the droids I was looking for.
narendhiran.s Sundaresan
This is fun, sharing with friends :)
vivekanandhan sivasubramanian
Good one. πŸ‘
Mayank Sabharwal
This is brilliant.. Loved it!
Subhankar Rj
cool! May the 4th Be With You!
Shweta Singh
How cool is this!
Ashley Sales
This is so cool! May the force be with you!!
Krish Murjani
Outstanding Product! Great job! May the force be with you⭐️
Praveena Sukumaran
This is so fantastic! May the force be with you!
Suhail Ameen
@praveena_sukumaran The Force is strong with this one!
Niyati Shah
Wow!!! Superb and creative work!
Suhail Ameen
@niyati_shah3 The Force is strong