@russfrushtick Sure! I've been very frustrated by the battle my team and I fight every day, not only to raise funding, but to access and put in place the kind of business infrastructure and partnerships startups in every other area can at least take for granted. I've been struck too by how very difficult it is to access expertise when you're a sextech venture. Other entrepreneurs can ask for and benefit from the advice of seasoned VCs/investors, entrepreneurs, brilliant business brains. When you have a sextech startup, a) nobody takes you seriously, and b) nobody even wants to have the conversation. So I am very serious about the fact that, if I can get MakeLoveNotPorn to where I want it to be - doing a shit-ton of good and making a shit-ton of money :) - I would like to start an incubator/accelerator and fund for radically innovative sextech and porn startups. My young friends in the porn industry have brilliant ideas, they're creating their own content, they want to invent the future of porn - but there is no one in that world to mentor, coach, advise, finance and facilitate. MLNP has brought to me many sextech entrepreneurs, some of whom flatteringly say it was seeing the trail MLNP blazed that made them want to start a venture to do with sex. They have all the same issues - can't get funded, can't put payments in place etc. So I'd like to create a vehicle that could provide help, expertise, access, assisted partnerships and collaborations, and funding. And btw, a tiny injection of cash into radically innovative sextech and porn startups has the potential to create returns way beyond many other sectors :)
@michaelhwan@russfrushtick It took me two years of pitching mlnp.tv to find one angel investor who put up $500k in seed funding to enable us to build the platform and launch it back in 2013. Subsequently both he and I have put more money into the business to help grow it, to the point where we now want to raise a round of funding to enable us to scale rapidly, which after two and a half years of traction we're well positioned to do.
My pleasure to welcome my friend Cindy Gallop for a Product Hunt AMA at 2 PM PST today - ask questions in advance...:)
Bio: Cindy is the founder and CEO of IfWeRanTheWorld and MakeLoveNotPorn. Describes her approach as 'I like to blow shit up. I am the Michael Bay of business.'
Loved podcasting with her: https://soundcloud.com/product-h...
@eriktorenberg Erik - I am absolutely loving this AMA, so grateful to you guys for proving the opportunity, and so thrilled to be getting such terrific questions! I've got a very aggravating issue - I'm dying to keep answering, but the questions are such that I need to answer in some detail, and I regrettably have to head to an immovable commitment (roasting my friend Brad Jakeman of Pepsico who is the AdClub of New York's Advertising Person Of The Year). Can I please continue answering later tonight/tomorrow - would that be OK? I hate to leave questions unanswered and am very keen to have the opportunity to keep doing so!
You're vocal about sex, porn, and the difference between the two. What are your thoughts on the purpose of committed relationships and/or marriage (in the U.S. specifically)? What do you think are the leading causes of the ultimately high divorce rate?
@melissajoykong I'm very curious to hear your thoughts here too, Cindy. My parents are twice divorced and each divorce was extremely traumatic for them. Do you have any advice I can provide them on how to find a better partner?
@melissajoykong I have to be honest and say that what you're asking about is not my area of expertise - it is, however, very much the area of expertise of my dear friend Esther Perel whose work I recommend to everyone: http://www.estherperel.com/ But I will say that I do see (in the thousands of emails people write to MLNP, the comments left on makelovenotporn.com and the conversations I've had over the past six and a half years since MLNP launched) that our inability to talk openly and honestly about sex causes immense unhappiness in relationships and marriages. I talk about the fact that what we're tackling with MLNP lies at the heart of many social ills in this piece I wrote on 'What is sextech and why is everyone ignoring it?' for HotTopics:
and about its impact on human relationships in this interview I did for TED with sex educator and fellow TED speaker Al Vernacchio:
"Our parents bring us to have good manners, a work ethic, a sense of responsibility. Nobody ever brings us up to behave well in bed."
@_danfriedman@melissajoykong Dan - I'm so sorry to hear that. As I said to Melissa, please do check out Esther Perel's work in this context: http://www.estherperel.com/ From my own perspective, I would just say I think it's important to know yourself really well first - who you are, what you believe in, what you value - and then to aim to connect with partners who share the same values. All of my work - and my own life and business philosophies - are about the importance first and foremost of shared values. With MLNP we're building community around shared values to do with sex - something we're never taught to think about in those terms; when I ask people, 'What are your sexual values?' they're usually stumped for an answer. But everything starts with you and your values. My other startup IfWeRanTheWorld is co-action software that enables brands and businesses to implement what I believe is the business model of the future - Shared Values + Shared Action = Shared Profit (financial profit and social profit). I designed MLNP around that business model. So I would say, really think about and identify what your own values are - the values by which you intend to live your life and do your work - and then look for people who share the same values. Because those are the people you will really enjoy being with and benefit from, whether as friends, colleagues or romantic partners.
@colazionearoma I read a lot, so it's quite hard to identify my favorite book at any one time :) but I have to tell you, I cannot rave enough about one of my most recent reads, which is Sarai Walker's 'Dietland':
This book is not at all what it looks like, and not at all what you may be expecting when you start reading it. Highly recommended for women and men.
Hi Cindy,
Very big fan of yours and have followed your amazing work since watching your amazing TED talk! So what do you think made the TED talk one of the most watched talks of 2009 and what advice would you give to people looking to give enaging speeches that capture the attention of their audience? I would so love your advice!
@harrystebbings Harry, thank you so much for your kind words! To be honest, my TED talk made the impact it did at TED 2009 because I was talking about, and tackling, one of the most un-talked-about areas of human experience :) But what I always say to people who want to be able to speak well in public is, simply talk about something you feel strongly and are passionate/enthusiastic about, and do so in the same way you would if you were talking about that topic to your friends over dinner. Just keep it informal, genuine, real and enthusiastic, and all of that comes across. I hope that's helpful.
@jacqvon The book has been received extremely well! Do check out the reviews on Amazon - but I also get people writing to me thanking me for it. I get a number of requests for hard copies (a mother wrote to me saying she really wanted her teenage son to read it but she knew the only way would be if she could leave it lying in his room as a hard copy :)) but unfortunately TEDBooks don't do those. :(
@ems_hodge Our single biggest challenge at MLNP advancing the social sex movement, is the social dynamic I call 'Fear of what other people will think'. It's never about what the person I'm talking to thinks (when you understand what we're doing and why we're doing it, nobody can argue with it) - it's always their fear of what they think other people will think, which operates around sex more than any other area. Which, by the way, is the single most paralyzing dynamic in business and in life. It's why I say, you will never own the future if you care what other people think.
Hey Cindy. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions today. Much appreciated. Quick one for you - What inspired the creation of Make Love Not Porn, and where is it right now in it's development?
@corleyh This is what inspired the creation of MLNP :) http://blog.ted.com/cindy_gallop... - my direct personal experience dating younger men. Six and a half years ago I launched a tiny clunky little 'Porn World vs Real World' website at http://makelovenotporn.com/ with a TED talk that went viral, and the world responded in a way I had never anticipated - which is what led me to concept and with my team launch https://makelovenotporn.tv/ two and a half years ago. Where we're at right now is only about 30% of our full vision built, in public beta, but despite all the 'No adult content' obstacles we fight on a daily basis, we have a community of 350,000 members; we're global (our second highest traffic source after the US is China, where interestingly we're not blocked); we are generating revenue every month (tiny - in the very low five figures - but in a world where the received wisdom is 'Nobody pays for porn', our members see the value of #realworldsex); several of our MakeLoveNotPornstars are making four figures at each payout (we are the answer to the economy :)); we are seeing the social and business acceptability needle move in the direction we want it to; and we're working. A 23-year-old man wrote to us recently thanking us for the site and saying, 'Your site makes me want to have sex in a more grown-up, honest and respectful way." We are pioneering the social sex movement, we have terrific proof of concept and traction, and are currently working to raise a round of funding to be able to build out the platform to really capitalize on that.
What advice do you think your future 70-year-old self would give to Cindy right now?
Given what you've learned in your life so far, what advice would you give to someone in their 20s or 30s?
@melissajoykong I would like to think that my future 70-year-old self would say to me right now, 'It's all going to be all right.' :) My advice to someone in their 20s or 30s is, don't give a damn what anyone thinks. The best moment of my life (not a moment per se, more a gradual realization) was when I realized I no longer gave a damn what anyone thought of me. It's the only way to live your life and be true to yourself.
So happy to have you here! My question is a follow up to @jacqvon's point about different groups responding in different ways -- what reception has surprised you the most?
@lejlahunts Thank you so much Lejla! The one thing that MLNP has taught me is that the issue of shame, embarrassment and lack of openness around sex affects everyone, everywhere. I've been pleasantly surprised by responses from, for example, religious quarters: I was interviewed by a Christian radio station some time back because of a sensationalized news story, and when I had the chance to explain what MLNP is all about and why we exist, was pleased to have them applaud what we're doing. Two of our MakeLoveNotPornstars, WeMegiddoStyle, as they explain here:
came across MLNP and said to each other, we have to do this to overcome the shame our ultra-religious upbringing imposed on us around sex. We've been extremely well-received in Ireland, a very conservative Catholic nation. So that's all been very encouraging.
Hey Cindy :) - Question for you:
You talk about going for younger guys.... Do you think you (collective you) can change peoples perceptions on the 'taboo' of women going for younger guys? And following on...if there was a lady who has that perception in her head, would there be anything you would say to her to try and see the side of it you see?
@bentossell Ben - yes, absolutely. I am deliberately very public about the fact that I date younger men, not because I'm saying everyone should do what I do, but because to me it's emblematic of a bigger point: I believe everyone should be free to design the relationship model that works for them (which may, btw, be different at different stages of your life) versus the very limited number of relationship models society tells us it's OK for us to operate. The more older women who are open about this, and the more younger men who are proud to be open about this as well, the more we'll break down the ridiculous social unacceptability of younger men dating older women (while no one bats an eyelid at older men dating younger women).
To the second part of your question, I would talk about my own experience - because how I operate my approach to dating younger men is not what people think of when they think 'cougar'. I talk about this in my book - while I'm open about the fact I date younger men casually and recreationally, I have one key selection criterion (and I'm very selective about whom I date); no matter how casual the relationship, they have to be a very nice person. I have fantastic radar for very nice people, and so I only date utterly lovely younger men, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect, affection and liking. Interestingly, what this means is that many of my so-called 'casual' relationships go on a lot longer than other people's 'committed' ones. I date younger men off and on over periods of two, three, five, ten years; they may go on to date women their own age, or move to other parts of the country, but we stay friends - we meet platonically for drinks, dinner, and every so often their relationships end and they come back. :) So I have a very nice time indeed, which is what I would (and do) tell any other older woman considering whether or not to date younger men.
@davidspinks I think my biggest personal flaw is being a control freak, and I can tell you that I have worked very, very hard indeed to overcome that flaw throughout my career. :) I benefited from the fact that I spent sixteen years working in advertising for the ad agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, which operates a system of 360-degree performance reviews - ie, you are reviewed by the people below you and around you as well as above you, and are given very straightforward, unfiltered feedback which you have to address and prove that you can change the way you operate. The great thing is that that helps you realize in due course how much happier work and life is when you do beat your control freak tendencies :) It's why I now talk a lot in my business speaking and consultancy, and work hard to generate myself, the importance of high trust versus low trust working environments.
If I'm sexually attracted to a friend of mine, is it okay to communicate that? If so, what's the best way to do so? I'm worried it could change their view of our platonic friendship even though I value that far more than anything else.
@davefontenot Dave - funnily enough, that's precisely why my friend Colin Hodge started Down (the app Formerly Known As Bang With Friends) - so that the potential awkwardness of 'do they like me the way I like them' could be overcome by discreet signalling. I totally hear you on the sensitivity of the situation. I would say that one potential tactic might be to direct said friend to this AMA and have them read your question :) This is a difficult one to answer in the abstract - if someone has a reciprocal interest in you, you can generally sense or see some signalling that would indicate that. If you're not getting any signals of that nature at all, then unfortunately that interest is likely not there on their part. My recommendation in both cases would be not to push it - if the former is the case, your continuing friendship should provide an opportunity in due course to be in the right context/environment for both of you to mutually open up to each other (and if mutual interest is there, the stronger and longer the friendship, the better for the romantic possibilities). If the latter, then it's best to just stay friends and preserve the friendship you value. I hope that helps.
@kunalslab Well, I guess what the viewer feedback for my TED talk really showed me was that porn as default sex ed in the absence of open healthy conversation around #realworldsex, is a universal issue, everywhere in the world (I began realizing this in a personal context seven or eight years ago, before the media ever picked up on any of this, and so when I put up MakeLoveNotPorn.com it was in the spirit of 'Gosh, if I'm experiencing this other people must be as well, I want to do something about this' - I had no research/data/statistics to draw on that told me this was the huge global issue it's subsequently proven to be).
We're a social experiment - we're putting MLNP out there with no idea what's going to come back, so we're learning all the time - and so what I can tell you has been a revelation, is that our MakeLoveNotPornstars report that social sex is transformative. Most of our MakeLoveNotPornstars had never filmed their own #realworldsex before - they're doing it for us because they believe in our social mission. They tell us they find the experience transformative for themselves and their relationships. When you make a solo video, it enhances your sexual self-esteem and increases your sexual sense of self. Couples tell us it drives amazing communication – when you decide to video yourselves having sex, you have to talk about it, and when you do, the conversation can go places it may never have gone before.
We invite them to guest post on our blog about this, and it's fascinating - not something we ever realized ourselves when we launched mlnp.tv:
Hey Cindy! You're touching a very important topic! How do you think porn influences our sexual fantasies - in a good or a bad way? Do they harm sexual relationships by creating a huge gap between what's expected and what is real? And can porn movies be used for a sex education?
@eriktorenberg Dying to answer the remaining questions, hope I'll be able to later/tomorrow? Great questions, and I'm so grateful to all of you for joining me here!
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