
MAKE Book: The Indie Maker Handbook - Learn to build profitable startups the indie way

Learn to bootstrap profitable startups the indie way

💡 Get ideas from solving your problems

🛠Build with the tools you already know

🚀 How to launch

🌱 Grow organically without ads

💰 Monetize by asking users for money

🤖 Automate your entire business

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Guillem Carbonell

It's a gret summary of what you need to bootstrap an idea, but it lacked of sincerity since its inception.

We've been waiting and, in spite the end result is visually attractive, I feel slightly scammed. Early adopters payed a lot for an ebook which production lasted too long and is not printed. In the meanwhile, Pieter talked about how he was investing in cryptocurrency —with our investment on his book?

Besides, the community helped him write the book for free.

Moreover, It doesn't have bibliography nor sources from his biz school studies; it seems he withholds some tricks from himself (or his blog). Also, there is some media out there where he says almost the same things for free.

It's a great exercise of personal branding, but lacks of technical depth, following the rule that if you failed it is because you did not work enough. It would improve with more strategic principles rather than mere tactics.

If you'd like to get in touch with the feeling of successful bootstrapping, read "Things a Little Bird Told Me" by Twitter's founder Biz Stone (paperback, 20$). On how to structure a new business, "Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers" by Alexander Osterwalder (paperback 19$). On great design, I recommend you read "Da cosa nasce cosa" by Bruno Munari.


Easy peasy tricks to build a digital product.


We payed 30$ for an ebook, extended production time while harvesting pre-orders

Hi Guillem, sorry to hear this. > Moreover, It doesn't have bibliography nor sources from his biz school studies; it seems he withholds some tricks from himself (or his blog). Also, there is some media out there where he says almost the same things for free. I don't know what I've withheld. My business school studied were 2007 - 2012, that was way before I was in startups. A lot of the business school theory is interesting but not practical for startups. Therefore, I've focused on specific and actionable information that people can use, fast. > It's a great exercise of personal branding, but lacks of technical depth, following the rule that if you failed it is because you did not work enough. It would improve with more strategic principles rather than mere tactics. I think a lot business books are too strategic but not actionable. The readers leaves feeling they learnt a lot, but don't have much to apply. This book gives you direct ideas on what to do, when. Again, actionable. I hope this clears it up a bit, why I wrote it in this way! Still, thanks for letting me know.
Guillem Carbonell
@levelsio Please do not take me wrong, as the Internet leaves space for everybody to become a troll. What You've achieved is outstanding, but some of those who payed feel a bit deceived by the content. It might simply be that the added value we expected is not as huge as we expected it to be. In order to improve, I think it would be a great idea to build a community around the book for digital entrepreneurs to gather up, teamwork and follow the method by combining skills. That would cost no more than a private Slack for those who payed, for example, and would make paying more meaningful (as you can't copy a community in the same way anybody could plagiarize your content).
Nat Collins
Thank you for mentioning that the book is targeted for digital-product startups, as opposed to startups in general. Software and web developers often forget that there are other types of startups out there.
Ross Currie
I pre-ordered in 2015 and haven't received my copy yet. Seems like Levels just keeps taking pre-orders without delivering. Has anyone confirmed this has actually shipped yet? I haven't received any e-mails from him yet.
@rossdcurrie Sorry Ross, they're sent out in a batch. Should be in your inbox now. Let me know if you got it.
Ross Currie
@levelsio That's not entirely true, since you hadn't sent them when I wrote my initial comment. I feel like instead of putting us last on your launch checklist that you could've reached out to us a bit before now. Even a "Hey, I'm just putting the final touches on the book" e-mail - for many of us, the last we heard from you about our order was August 2016.
@rossdcurrie You're right I should prioritize pre-order customers. My apologies.
Ross Currie
@nikstep Relaxed was two weeks ago when I asked for an order update and got no reply, after he posted book revenue figures for January. Rightfully annoyed is when I see him pushing new sales again when I still haven't received mine after 2.5 years. Of course, now I know the book is coming, but I would've known that already if he'd e-mailed pre-order customers with an update prior to launching... my post here probably would've been "Woohoo! I've been waiting for this one for ages! So excited!" or something equally fan-gushy. It's arrived now... so... woohoo!
Niklas Stephenson
@rossdcurrie It was a pre-order with no commitment to delivery date. You have made your point, he has said sorry. Time to relax.
👋 Hi Product Hunters! When I was reading Hacker News in 2013, I remember seeing @patio11's posts on building web apps (like Appointment Reminder) by himself, without funding. Back then, there weren't many others doing anything like that. Back then, you were either big and VC-funded or you were a freelancer working for them. Ever since Product Hunt launched 2014, there's been a rise of indie startups. It's never been more possible to build something on the internet, by yourself, without funding, charge money for it, and pay your bills. I'm the living proof of that. Just as music has indie bands, the startup world now has indie startups. This book is everything I learnt in the last few years about building indie startups. In the hope that it makes them more popular. Get ideas from problems you have in your life, build solutions for them, validate them by launching and seeing if you get users, monetize by asking your users for money, grow by building with your users, automate your business and if you like at some point exit and sell it! 🤡 How I wrote this book I felt on a very meta level, I wanted to write this book with the theory described in this book. Before even writing a single line on it I announced this book and opened it up for pre-orders: The landing page was literally a Typeform telling that I wanted to write a book, but it didn't exist yet, and asking for $30 to support it. The only thing people received after paying $30 immediately was an empty Workflowy list where they could write what the book should be about specifically. That gave me immediate feedback from customers what they wanted me to make. Just like a startup. Thousands of people pre-ordered the book (quickly netting $50,000+ in revenue at $30 per pre-order) and there was thousands of items in the Workflowy list to write about. I went through it regularly and tried to re-order it to find patterns. I found I could divide up all questions people had in the different stages of startups. Ideas, building, launching, growing and monetizing. Everyone was at a different stage and needed different questions answered. I then started writing the first chapter. I wanted to do this by "building in public" too. Or in this case, writing in public. I made a Google Docs text document and started writing. But not before I started a live stream on Twitch of the writing process of course. I wanted to live stream most of the chapters. It helped me because, as you may know if you've ever written a book or thesis, the procrastination of writing can become incredible. Every time I finished the draft of a chapter I sent it out to all the pre-order customers. And they could review it as a Google Doc again. Only the final process of writing this book was done by myself. Collecting all the content, cleaning it up, rewriting it and making editorial decisions on what should be in it. But 90% of the process was out in the open. And that's exactly what this book is about: launch early and build with your users. 📺Video Here's a presentation I did last month about some of what's in the book:
🙂I hope you enjoy reading it and it'll help some of you get into building your own apps, web apps, products and startups!
Craig Barber
@levelsio Great work Pieter, would love to see this as a hard copy too. Would feel pretty good to have it in your hands as an author I reckon.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@levelsio Hope we see more authors publish this way, so awesome!
Marc Köhlbrugge

Many if not most business books are written by authors, rather than actual entrepreneurs. This makes sense considering entrepreneurs are busy running their business :)

Despite Pieter being a true entrepreneur he still found the time somehow to write this book.

I would recommend any (wannabe) maker to just go out and build stuff rather than read books. I bet Pieter would say the same. However, if you feel stuck or need some motivation, then this is the book for you. Buy it. Read it. And get back to shipping.


No-nonsense advice like Pieter is known for.


You still actually need to go and do the work. Reading is not enough.

Haha yes, that’s why it took awhile. I don’t recommend writing a book while running and growing 3 businesses! I agree books won’t make you succesful. And survivorship bias applies here.
Ross Currie

This is the second time that the book has been featured on ProductHunt. The first time was back in 2015, when I pre-ordered. Yet to receive anything from Pieter indicating that the book is actually finished.


Sounds like a great book!


Ordered in 2015, have not received my copy yet

Sorry Ross, they're send out in a batch. You'll receive an email any minute now!
Ross Currie
@levelsio Sending the e-mail was last on the launch list you tweeted. Prioritising new sales over existing customers is not cool.
@rossdcurrie You're right I should prioritize pre-order customers. My apologies. Everyone has their copy now.
Florin Matincă
@levelsio Still don't have my copy in the Inbox, preordered last month. So far, the draft was awesome, a lot of good info. Congrats for the lunch.
Andrey Azimov
Thomas Marban
PH discount?
Marc Köhlbrugge
Congrats on finally publishing it. All Pietz’ knowledge distilled in one handy book. 👌
Ashish Kumar
Congrats Pieter! 🌶 How do we (pre-order folks) get full access to the book?
@ashfame Mails are being sent out now! Hold tight 🙂
@ashfame Everyone should have gotten it now. Let me know if you didn't!
Haichen Wang
@levelsio Haven't gotten mine. Pre ordered Jan 3. Where should we email to confirm we haven't gotten lost?
@haichenw will DM you now on Twitter to escalate!
great, obfuscated text looks like a product in itself 😂
@graeme_fulton Haha yes, seems like the book (obfuscated) can now be the sales page itself for ebooks.
Haichen Wang
@graeme_fulton @levelsio Hey pieter any tips on how we can make something like this obfuscated sales page ourselves?
@graeme_fulton @haichenw yes! I’ll open source the code in a Github Gist today!
Vlastimil Fišer
You released it finally! Great step-by-step manual for all shippers without any marketing bullshit. Piet has focus on value of the product and profit and I kinda like it! 😎
Dan Gray

I don't know of anyone who is as much an authority on bootstrapping and launching product ideas as Levelsio. He's probably also responsible for the plague of 'curated resources' on Product Hunt.


Bootstrapping wisdom from someone who lives that life


$30 might be a steep price relative to the length

Thanks Dan! I'll make sure $30 also includes continued updates and questions being answered through the feedback box.
David Craige
Nice work on this Pieter. Looks great.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen

Bought this on pre-order and read the draft. Biggest learning for me - I am not a big company, and cannot spend tons of time doing research and getting to that one fantastic idea. That might sound obvious, even silly, but it was not for me. Recognizing that I am an Indie Maker has made a huge difference to how I do things. This means spending less money, allocating time more efficiently and having much more fun building stuff (rather than doubting myself).


For Indie Makers



This was a mindshift for me too, not thinking myself of building some vague pie-in-the-sky billion dollar company anymore, but just making something basic that was useful for me. It gave me a more reachable goal to get to.
Michael Sitver
Congrats @Levelsio. I look forward to reading it
Magnus Kubsch
Congrats on launching it! Looks good!
Just purchased it, congrats on publishing Pieter.
Flavio Copes
The entire process of building the crowdsourced book is incredible in itself, and Pieter adds on top the obfuscation thing that's never been seen anywhere 😄 This book goes straight in my top books for indies along with Getting Real, Rework, 4HWW, Start Small, Stay Small, Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality
Darshan Gajara
I can see the showcase content of this book being an extension of your talk at Dojo Bali. For those who haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend it. Link – https://youtu.be/6reLWfFNer0
A nobrainer to support Pieter and buy this book. Always have appreciated him sharing his journey, what works and what doesn’t. Said it before and will say it here again, you deserve all the success you’re experiencing right now. Bought this ages ago, can’t wait to read.