Hey PH!
Hope you enjoy this weekend project - Magnet - a dead simple way collect/manage responses to your emails.
Simply cc magnetreplies@gmail.com when you send out an email, and all of the responses will be automatically recorded in a Google Sheet (as long as respondents keep the cc). No signups. Completely free!
Useful for planning events, gaining feedback from lots of people, and much more π
Let us know what you think, excited to hear how people use it!
The project was inspired by this tweet from @danicgrosshttps://twitter.com/danielgross/...
That's cool, but it would be better if the recipient doesn't necessarily reply with CC.
With this way you should ask him to include magnetreplies@gmail.com on CC, which is not always good when you are in business conversation
Somewhat convenient HUGE security red flag, cc'ing an outside party on every email. How can you technologically ensure privacy, security, and trust here?
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