@danlev Thanks Dan! Good point.
Magnet is different than Apple Watch's digital touch because we've reduced the concept to its single core idea: connecting you to one person you love.
We've built a separate physical channel making it easy to prioritize someone you care about without being obtrusive or distracting.
@danlev We found people associated objects with a single person. This is the first and we believe only wearable that connects you with the one person you care about most. It's a feature.
For its purpose we believe it's more powerful than the apple watch.
@realmandan relevant: It was said that morsecode operators could tell who was on the other side by "how they morsed"-- with magnet i've been able to tell how my partner is doing... whether her job interview went well, etc...
It is Yo for the wrist. Been using mine for 8 weeks and I love the simplicity. The 'haptic' part of it is really effective. Discreet for in meetings / idly thinking about someone special. Tons of use cases they haven't even begun to explore yet: Parent / Child, Team sports (eventually), runners (for support).
I love this product. Takes all the noise out and makes you focus on one thing that's important.
/ syndicate