Tom Masiero

Magnet - Smart jewelry that brings loved ones closer (pre-launch)


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Dan Leveille
Interesting idea! Reminds me of Pillow Talk: Are you worried about similar functionality of the Apple Watch?
Alex List
@danlev Thanks Dan! Good point. Magnet is different than Apple Watch's digital touch because we've reduced the concept to its single core idea: connecting you to one person you love. We've built a separate physical channel making it easy to prioritize someone you care about without being obtrusive or distracting.
Alex List
@danlev We found people associated objects with a single person. This is the first and we believe only wearable that connects you with the one person you care about most. It's a feature. For its purpose we believe it's more powerful than the apple watch.
Tom Masiero
Would love for the team at UseMagnet to jump in here.. very interesting angle on wearables.
Floyd Miller
@BlendahTom Adding @ayylist, Founder of @usemagnet.
Alex List
@BlendahTom Thanks Tom! We've worked hard to make something that only does ONE thing, connect you to one person you care about.
Dan Siegel
Cool concept. It's like YO for your wrist
Alex List
@realmandan relevant: It was said that morsecode operators could tell who was on the other side by "how they morsed"-- with magnet i've been able to tell how my partner is doing... whether her job interview went well, etc...
ryan borker
It is Yo for the wrist. Been using mine for 8 weeks and I love the simplicity. The 'haptic' part of it is really effective. Discreet for in meetings / idly thinking about someone special. Tons of use cases they haven't even begun to explore yet: Parent / Child, Team sports (eventually), runners (for support). I love this product. Takes all the noise out and makes you focus on one thing that's important.