Geoffrey Weg

Made With Code - Google initiative championing creativity, girls, and code.

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Ryan Hoover
Very cool. This is relevant to something I've wanted to bring up. I've been working with @eriktorenberg to bring more women into the Product Hunt community. It's kind of a sausage fest. This is partly my fault -- most of the startup folks in my network when seeding the community, are dudes -- but it's also representative of the macro tech startup scene. I want to ensure women feel included and more selfishly, the contributions + conversation would be more interesting if there were more female chiming in. If you know of any startup/product-loving ladies that might be interested in, please poke me on Twitter (@rrhoover) or email ryan at :)
Jon Lax
@eriktorenberg I will intro you to Heather Payne at Ladies Learning Code/Girls Learning Code here in Toronto
Erik Torenberg
@jlax maybe we can partner in some capacity with orgs like this Ryan?
Erik Torenberg
@jlax awesome let's get her into this conversation :)
Ellen Chisa
@eriktorenberg @rrhoover I know you've heard this from me & @KateKendall now - but want to reflag that it's not just finding people who are interested in what you have. The product was built by white men in tech so is inherently biased towards those wants/needs. Keep trying to find people, but also try to ask women what they're looking for out of a platform about Products, and what would make them more likely to contribute/stay. :)
Jon Lax
@eriktorenberg Heather will need access to comment. I sent Ryan an email.
Erik Torenberg
@jlax @rrhoover i got her in she should be good to comment
Geoffrey Weg
Cool initiative that Google launched last week.
Jon Lax
Teehan+Lax donated our Leap motion/Google Street View code to this project. You can see it in action in the video. or our video
David McKinney
I have a daughter and in my eyes Made With Code is the best thing google has done. Love it #girlpower
Jennie Wong
Great to hear that @rrhoover and @eriktorenberg are actively addressing this issue, kudos for keeping your eye on the ball! Also, I'm fine with keeping the upvotes and leaderboard format.
Ashok Kamal
Good to see any tangible efforts DOING something about this issue. Hard stop.