Dennis Cortés

OS Icons - 100+ minimalistic icons for iOS 14 in 4 colorways


A set of custom iOS icons made from scratch to make your iPhone more streamlined, sleek, uniform. Over 100+ icons to mix and match, free setup guide, and free wallpapers included as well!

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Dennis Cortés
Hey friends! As a designer myself, I was excited to see the ability to add custom icons to apps come up with the latest iOS 14 update. I've always wanted to have a sleek, minimal theme for my icons and decided to make a custom set from scratch which turned into OS Icons! I made 4 themes to mix and match with (White, Light Gray, Dark Gray, and Black) for over 100 icons that have variants for some depending on your style. I also included wallpapers that match really well with the set while being super subtle and tasteful with or without using OS Icons. I'll be adding more as requests for more icons come in so be sure to leave them in the comments, I'd love to see what you come up with so please share below! Enjoy 😎
Andrew Ciobanasiu
Looking clean!
Dennis Cortés
@andrewcio Thanks Andrew!