A pro for the pros. The new MacBook Pro is the most powerful MacBook ever. It features an immersive 16-inch Retina display, up to an 8-core processor, next-generation graphics, and up to 64GB of memory. Also, it comes with a brand new keyboard.
@brendanciccone It's a product for sure. I just think that it's cool when you come here to find the tools you won't find anyway else.
You know what I mean?
I use Mac aswell. I saw the news about this new product all over.
I just don't think it suits this site since it's too main stream. But i'm just a new user here, so I don't have that much a saying here. Just telling you what I think
@roncothronovich@edisonjoao6871 I think it fits fine. It's a new product. Even when tech giants release things that still reflects what's happening in the industry.
@bdn I'm curious. What's the problem with a "soft" Esc key? Your muscle memory should still work -- the key, whether physical or "soft", is still in the top-left corner, no?
@bdn@dysonlu No tactile feedback, so if you use it a lot, you will miss the key a lot. You basically have to take a look to the keyboard now and then to use it, it's frustrating.
@bdn@douglasschmidt Why would you miss it since you rely on your muscle memory? The key is still at the same location. Lots of people type on their smartphone without tactile feedback and many don’t look at the the soft keyboard while typing because they rely on muscle memory.
I guess it is for those who do *not* use it a lot, or not often enough to develop that muscle memory.
@bdn@dysonlu I’m not guessing, I’m saying from expecting the problem myself. The key is too far away for muscle memory alone, you will hit it sometimes and miss some others. In this case, tactile feedback helps the user repositioning the hand and finger without looking.
@rrhoover Haha it's funny you say that I actually just bought the 15-inch MBP fully-spec'd out but I'm not regretting it yet. The keyboard still works great and I'm enjoying it...
Will probably take the opportunity to upgrade in a couple years time or sooner if this one doesn't cut it anymore – for my wallet's sake I hope that isn't the case though 😂
@harrybrundage Little bit thicker when closed (+0.07 cm / +0.03 in), wider (+0.86cm / +0.34 in), taller (+0.52cm / +0.2 in), and heavier (4.3 lb vs 4.02lb). Slight thickness increase has apparently helped with the increased battery capacity and better thermals
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