Murat Mutlu

Lyft Plus - Bringing the magic to premium (Lyft SUV's)


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Murat Mutlu
I never got a chance to use Lyft when I was in SF, would you use this over Uber?
Ryan Hoover
I bounce between Lyft and Uber. If I'm feeling social, I'll check Lyft. If I want to answer emails on my phone without feeling like a dick, I use Uber. Surging pricing also influences which one I choose. That said, transportation is a utility for me and I'd prefer not to pay a higher price for a slightly better ride. @ryanlawler shared more details here.
Jonathan Howard
Similar response to @rrhoover. I much prefer Lyft's default-friendly to uber's default-silence. (Though both will switch if asked). I don't like Uber's anti-competitive tactics of late, so I avoid them when I can. But there are occasions when Lyft's on surge pricing and Uber's not, in which case I'll use them. I slightly prefer Uber's multiple card support. As far as SUV service: I'd use it when you know you need more space for people and/or bags.
Chikodi Chima
Lyft is a transportation-based community, while Uber positions itself as a utility for busy professionals. Quality control is generally tighter on Uber (in SF), and the drivers are really intriguing people. That said, Uber as a company is unscrupulous and stumbles from one PR disaster to another because of their greed and arrogance.
Jack Smith
I prefer Uber, because in Lyft I feel like I'm being evaluated, even though I'm the client. e.g. some Lyft drivers complain about passengers they've had that haven't talked to them much.
Guy Gal
I have used both extensively and not almost exclusively use Lyft in SF (Uber outside of SF because they pick up way faster) because the drivers are better and it is cheaper. Transportation is largely a commodity, to Ryan's point, even if Lyft's experience was a little crappier I would still use it (but it is better). That said, smart move with Plus as I imagine they miss out on a lot of VIP revenue with those who money is never ever an issue and want the newest and snazziest car. I find Uber's driver quality to be lower than Lyft, especially lately as they've been scaling aggressively. Lyft drivers are more mission driven. Lots of Uber's drivers are ex-taxi and have the same crappy attitude.