Dan Voyce

Looop.dev - Creative coding tool to help learn, experiment and share


Web based creative coding tool designed to allow quick prototyping of canvas / webgl (maybe SVG one day?) animations with its looping timeline. Currently in alpha, but with the goal of becoming a great resource for learning and sharing.

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Dan Voyce
Hey everyone! Let me introduce to you Looop, the web based creative coding tool. I've been working as a UI / JavaScript developer for over a decade and have been hacking things together for most of that time. Finally I'm bringing together everything I love about my job into this app. Primarily, Creative coders share their work on Instagram and/or Twitter. Their amazing work is compressed and not very interactive. Tools like CodePen and CodeSandbox are also very popular, but are designed more for the mass market than being tailored for creative coders. My goal is to create the ultimate productivity tool for creative coders... Currently Looops main feature is its Timeline, giving coders the ability to quickly create animations and seamless loops. Viewers and non-coders can then play around with projects by interacting with the timeline, creating their own variations of the loop, and even having a play with the code themselves! However, this is just the beginning. We're still very much in an alpha phase (so expect the odd bug!), but we have a ton of features in our backlog. Things like: - Export video / gif / code - Social sharing - Enhanced timeline features like easing, keyframe aligning / snapping, undo / redo - SVG support - Project viewer enhancements like sorting, searching, filtering, liking, etc - And many many more... So, please have play. We really want to know which features our users want next, so let us know! To keep in the looop ๐Ÿ˜ฌplease register on our app. We won't spam you we promise. We'll just send the occasional update. You can also follow us on the twitter account I literally just made https://twitter.com/looopdotdev Thanks!
Dan Voyce
Thanks @sab8a!
wow this looks great - hope to try it at some point with my old three-js projects! When I used it, the first thing i wanted to do was press play and see animation in action, but it took me a while to spot the play button - could make that stand out more if people have the same problem
Dan Voyce
Thanks @graeme_fulton! Yes, the UX definitely is WIP. FYI, you can press space bar if any of the windows (except the code editor) are focused
@_voycie ooh thanks, you've done a great job so far though, I like it's focus on for creative coding. Do you have a contact - i can't sign up, want to send the issue but can't find where to send feedback
Dan Voyce
Hi @graeme_fulton. There was a bug that was caused from a last minute change in the early hours of this morning. It should be fixed now :)
๐”aurent ๐”‡el โ„œey
Random and totally subjective thought but I would love to be able to use a GUI that would help me reach this type of result only by using sliders, layers, etc ๐Ÿ’›
Dan Voyce
@ldesserrey this a great idea and I would love to get it to a stage like that. Basically for coders, non-coders and everyone in between. One main goal of mine is to keep the UI as simple as possible though, and I'm worried it would add a lot of complexity to the UI. Lets see though!
Dan Voyce
Which feature would you like us to work on next?
E.b. Rosner
Super cool.
Edison Espinosa
Seems pretty cool!
Nicolas Blanchot
Congrats @_voycie Really nice product! Quite advanced already for an alpha version. It's worth to note that you can chose which animation library you want to work with (pixi, three...). Looks really nice and I think it can be really useful prototyping animation. Well Done!
Dan Voyce
Thank you @nicolasblanchot :)