Hiten Shah

Openvid 2.0 - One-click desktop, cam, & mic recording tool for Chrome ๐ŸŽฅ


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Shahed Khan
Top Product
Heyo Product Hunt! ๐Ÿ˜€ First of all, thank you @hnshah for not only hunting Openvid 2.0, but also being super generous with your time & feedback over the last few months that is now being shipped as the 2.0 product! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป @joethomas_x, @vhmth, and I launched Openvid a little over three months ago (100 days to be exact ๐ŸŽˆ) and witnessed resoundingly positive feedback from all of you! Fast forward to today, we have over 12,800+ employees from leading companies such as: Uber, Dropbox, Zendesk, Salesforce, Intercom, and others using Openvid to communicate more effectively in the workplace. Openvid is the fastest way for you to share knowledge and collaborate more easilyโ€“โ€“through video. The seamless experience makes it perfect for: - Walking a co-worker through a project - Bug tracking/QA (both web & mobile) - Personalized sales demos - Customer support - + many other use cases! Openvid letโ€™s you do all that (+ more) for free without having to worry about video storage, upload time, or recording time limits. With this new update, you can now: - Record your entire desktop (not just limited to the tab anymore!) - Front facing camera recordings - Record with a single-click and your videos immediately get uploaded and you are given a shareable URL that you can send out in an email, Slack, Hipchat, etc. Ask us anything! ๐Ÿ’ฌ
saarim zaman
@_shahedk totally different use case but this could be huge for livestreamers if you guys supported twitch
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@poolnoodle93 @_shahedk hey there Saarim! We don't currently do live streaming from our tool, but you can certainly use it to record live streams! I do it all the time for Skype meetings. :-)
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@ddavis haha thanks for the kind words brother. We're due for one of those sushi lunches!
Hiten Shah
It's been fun to watch Shahed and the team release and iterate this product. They've got a friction-less experience that makes many different common tasks much more seamless to do right from your Chrome browser. Pretty slick, a must try for any one wanting to learn how they do it. And as a bonus, I'm sure you'll find the product quite useful too!
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@hnshah LIFTOFF ๐Ÿš€ // THANK YOU HITEN! https://www.opentest.co/share/35...
Ben Tossell
Tell us about the seeming slight pivot? Or step in a slightly different direction shall we say ha Looks very different to what was originally launched What did you learn since launching?
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@bentossell Hey there Mr. Tossell! Thanks for being the first to weigh in. It is interesting you perceive a slight pivot. We actually built out 2.0 based entirely off of feedback from users of Openvid 1.0. I think we have pushed the product forward in terms of the types of recordings you can do (Desktop Recording & Front Facing Cam) which in essence changes the way people use the video recording tool, but I believe that these new recording types stick to our core of video communication. There are two different types of videos that can be recorded: 1) Those that are transactional in nature (quick feedback on designs, real-time personalized customer support) 2) Videos that are more evergreen (employee training videos, feature walkthroughs) We'd love for people to adopt desktop video communication in their day-to-day in a more consumer oriented, personalized way (think Snapchat and now Instagram Stories). But for now we are still heavily focused on business use cases and team communication! TL;DR we've evolved but haven't pivoted ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿฝโžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿฝ
Ben Tossell
@joethomas_x Yeah I thought 'pivot' was too strong and thats why I said slight different direction haha.
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@bentossell true true! I guess I should answer your original question now. PRO TIP Watch at 1.5x or 2x: https://www.opentest.co/share/8b...
Yassine el Kachchani
a 2.0 after 100 days, very good pace guys! When can we expect mobile support? We've been using Instabug this past year but Openvid seems like a more suitable fit for Product people. Also a tiny something: https://www.opentest.co/share/43...
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@kachchani My man! Thank you very much for catching that bug in the video! Instead of just fixing the bug we decided to deploy an entirely new homepage ;) Thanks @_shahedk for whipping that up so quickly. Mobile we're looking at the 9-12 month range to hyper focus on desktop video communication for internal teams and external communication. Until the marginal rate of return that we're getting from desktop platform development seems to reach a point of near saturation, we'll quickly hop over to mobile. Here is a video version of that: https://www.opentest.co/share/8e...
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@kachchani @joethomas_x haha we always personally give @_shahedk trouble about his designs (all out of jest), but I must admit he has an eye for it. :-)
Jeff Higgins
Awesome to see you guys back on Product Hunt! Openvid has saved us tons of time with our clients over the past couple months. We started using it as a personalized way to welcome them to the company, walk them through their social metrics, and visually explain their options for advertising. Great to see it progress to 2.0!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@annamariasocial Jeff! Thank you. Created a quick video for you. https://www.opentest.co/share/81...
Yaniv Goldenberg
Nailed it once again! Brilliant update, can't wait to use it daily :) btw how do you manage & track user referrals?
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@yanivgoldenberg hey Yaniv! Left you a video explaining: https://www.opentest.co/share/db...
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@yanivgoldenberg you're more than welcome Yaniv
Daniel Singer
The team behind Openvid is something else. Truly awesome guys. I've been playing with their product as they iterate and slam this thing out of the park. You guys *need* to try this product.
David Byttow
Would love to, if only login would fully complete!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@danielsing3r Dude, thanks for all of your support. Appreciate the โค๏ธ
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@davidbyttow Hey man, sorry for the issue you're running into. I looked into our logs and it seems like you were successful at creating your first recording. Did the log in end up working or are you still running into issues?
David Byttow
@_shahedk The oauth redirect kept timing out, but the login did in fact complete. When I refreshed, it reflected that. Then I made a recording. Pretty cool. :)
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@davidbyttow Ah, looking into this. Glad you like the recording experience though!
Sydney Liu
@_shahedk @vhmth Really really happy to see this product evolve over time and excited about the new release. I've really loved using OpenTest for Commaful for a few things: - customer service (when people ask how to do certain things) - demos sharing what Commaful is - asking users for feedback on new features I've tried a bunch of recording services. This is by far the easiest and most powerful. I love being able to send the link immediately without having to upload to YouTube or anything. BOOM! Congrats guys. Awesome product
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@sydney_liu_sl @_shahedk thank you Sydney! I've really appreciated having you as a very early adopter (from when we did "Expert Tests" :-) ). You're the best!
Varun Khona
Love the evolution. From the current user base, what's the single largest use case?
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@varunkhona We've been seeing a lot of back and forth communication amongst remote/local employees at work. What used to be a ton of back and forth emails and skype/hangouts sessions has now boiled down to a single asynchronous video detailing everything you need to send over (project materials, time-sensitive info, etc) to another employee half way across the world. That employee can then respond with a few sentences when it's most convenient for them. Given you're headquartered in India, you should give it a spin and let me know what you think. Keep me in the loop if you have any questions/comments. You have my direct line ;)
Menachem Pritzker
I've been looking for a tool like this for a while now (others exist, but none quite as seamless and user friendly as this is), and I'm already planning on pushing out a series of onboarding videos for my new users using this platform. Fantastic work here, and @vhmth does great user support :)
Kai Horstmannshoff
@_shahedk This looks cool, do you have any thoughts on how you compare to similar tools like Screencastify and record.it?
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@khorstmannshoff @_shahedk Hey Kai! Really cool to see you weigh in here because we were just sent Ryan Holmes Fast Company article this past week. Not sure if you had a chance to read it: https://www.fastcompany.com/3062... Would love to hear your thoughts here if you have any! TL;DR for those that are curious: Ryan talks about how video updates to the HootSuite team has really helped them be transparent, up-to-date, and collaborative because as an organization grows it becomes increasingly difficult to transfer knowledge to everyone in a real-time fashion. And this is exactly the direction we're trying to go with our platform. As for the others that play in our space there are two major differences from those you pointed out: - Screencastify: Videos are stored locally or in Google Drive. This makes video more cumbersome file to deal with which we're trying to alleviate people of by making videos instantly shareable - Record.it: Similar with the instantly shareable but their GIFs only. With mic and cam recording thrown it is makes Opentest videos significantly more "human and personal". For those who'd rather watch than read: https://www.opentest.co/share/ef...
Kai Horstmannshoff
@joethomas_x @_shahedk Hey Joe, great to hear you liked Ryan's article. His updates are a real treat and help employees stay connected and engaged, even when working across many country lines and time zones. Video is definitely a great way to connect with both employees and customers. I'll give Openvid a spin. Also, check out Hootsuite's many video integrations here: https://hootsuite.com/integratio... ๐Ÿ˜‰
Vincent P
As a UX designer, already use it all the time for user interviews and product walkthroughs. Impressive to see how fast this team iterates. Very hopeful for their future.
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@cvpmusic It is very impressive how much valuable feedback you have given us over the last few months. ProductHunt community, if you're looking for a passionate, communicative and talented designer, Vincent is your man!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@joethomas_x @cvpmusic I second, third and fourth Joe's comment. Seriously thank you for all the great feedback Vincent.
Bryan Weis
It's great to see you guys back on Product Hunt, 2.0 is looking great! It seems like the focus has shifted more towards team video communication, I'm loving it!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@bryan_weis yeah the focus has shifted a bit from before! We should definitely update our market tags on Siftery. Thanks for the kind words - and stop by the office and grab a coffee with us sometime!
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@bryan_weis you nailed it my man. With organizations moving to more distributed teams, the classic office bonding is unfortunately amiss for some people. I know you and the Siftery team have multiple locations. It is something that we didn't grasp fully with our first launch and wanted to push forward with this release (Front Facing Cam only and Cam on by default). Making the internet a much human place has become core to our new vision and mission. We'd love to not only make teams more efficient with their communication, but happier as well!
Stephen O'Grady
Been using Openvid for a while and love! Well done. Quick question about your onboarding checklist: homegrown or a service provider?
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@orishnal so glad to hear! Onboarding is homegrown :)
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@orishnal hey Stephen - as Shahed had said, it's all homegrown. If you'd like more details, here they are (as answered to another fellow in the thread here): https://www.opentest.co/share/db...
Warren Sturt
@joethomas_x @hnshah awesome stuff. Any plans to integrate with Salesforce or Zendesk?
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@warrenalfred @joethomas_x @hnshah hey Warren. 100%! If you click on "FAQs" in our header, you'll actually see we have answered some of them with our own embeddable player in Zendesk. :-) There's already a lot you can do with our videos on those platforms just by being able to embed our videos. True, seamless support will be coming in the following months though!
Sanmathi Bharamgouda
Super Cool! Are you hiring by any chance ;)
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@sanmathigb That we are! You'll have to talk to "Head Nerd" vinay@opentest.co
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@sanmathigb hey there! As Joe said, I'm going to be focusing my attention on hiring a couple awesome engineers the next couple of months. Please do reach out at my email (vinay@opentest.co). :-)
It sort of amazes me that I haven't actually signed up for this yet. I didn't even know we had a real need for this until I saw it in use. We're frequently reviewing super important stuff (tax returns, financials, funny gifs, etc.) with teammates and clients, and incorporating this into our workflow would make it so much easierโ€”right now there's a lot of back and forth in Slack and when we do jump on a Hangout, it's sometimes disruptive (personally, I like to do reviews for my team in the evenings, when hardly anyone is working), and we often realize we should have used Screenhero instead. Thanks for building this, guys!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@stefaniwhylie awesome Stefani! Yeah it is crazy that you haven't signed up yet given how close we all are! Get on it! :-) And let us know if you have any comments or questions or concerns of course. PS - To everyone here Stefani is a badass and is at SimpleKeep. Check them out for all of your accounting/tax needs. Highly recommend it.
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@stefaniwhylie You have seen the light! Now we have lost time to make up for!
Sean Green
This product is one of the best tools I use on a daily basis. Going back and forth with my CTO on bugs or client issues is simply a breeze! So much easier when people can see what you're talking about. Removes the confusion that comes from trying to describe issues with the limitations of words. When clients tell you they love receiving the instruction videos and our onboarding is easy, I give some credit over to these guys! Seeing is believing with OpenVid! You're awesome @_shahedk @joethomas_x and @vhmth
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
Sean Green
@vhmth @_shahedk @joethomas_x Thanks Guys! Saying I'm a big fan is an understatement as I've been looking for a product like this that is so simple and easy for a while.
Steve Mejia
Good job guys!! Great improvements from the last release.
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@steve_mejia thanks Steve!
Stephen Olmstead
So cool to see you folks continually crushing it and evolving! Woot woot, congrats Vinay, Shahed, and Joe!
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@theolmstead Thank you sir. We're due for a catch up soon!
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@theolmstead Let's do it. Email me when you're out here next!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@theolmstead Stephen! Thank you man. Really love seeing your face in these comments. :-)