Eric Willis

Loom 2.0 - One-click screen recorder. Now w/ trimming & emoji reactions


It's never been easier to record and share videos at home.

Open Chrome on desktop to record a Loom videoโ€”keep your clients up to date, build and maintain your company's culture, and easily provide product feedback to your team.

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Shahed Khan
Top Product
Hey Product Hunt folks! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป We're excited to be back on here. First off, thank you @erictwillis for hunting Loom's biggest release to date. Loom 2.0 includes a number of new features, such as: ๐ŸŽฅ Newly revamped Recording Experience โœ‚๏ธ Video Trimming ๐Ÿ˜ Emoji Reactions in videos ๐Ÿ“ข Activity Notifications ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ Use Cases Page ( It's very humbling to see Loom come such a long way since our debut on Product Hunt back in July 2016. Now, Loom has over 415,000 users in 21,000+ cities around the world. Individuals use Loom to communicate internally (Team updates, Bug fixes, Design -> Eng handoffs, New employee onboarding, etc) and externally (Customer onboardings, Sales demos, Support tickets, etc). Massive props to the Loom team more than anything to get these features out. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and we'll respond to them throughout the day :)
Josh Hubball
@_shahedk love the Use Cases page -- will something like that be available to users? I.e. - Create a collection of videos with the index over to the right for easy browsing?
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@jhubball Hey Josh - Yes! Video playlists is something we've been thinking about for quite some time. I'm glad you noticed it ;-)
Leo Bassam
Absolutely fantastic update!! We have been using loom for and it has been great! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿš€ Fun fact: we extensively used loom during our main launch few months ago. The quick and personal video recording experience helped us make 5000 sales in less than a week! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@loaibassam Thanks Leo! โค๏ธ
Bryan Haakman
Looks very professional. Is there a Firefox extension in the pipeline?
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@bphaakman keep an eye out for something cross-platform. ;-) Honestly though, in the fulness of time, I see us being on every browser that supports the extension standard (this include Safari and Edge). The support is lacking for everything but Firefox and Chrome at this point though, so FF would be the next goal for us. Unfortunately, I can't give you an exact timeline, but I appreciate you using FF because they're coming out with some seriously awesome updates! Have you seen this?
Hey @vhmth @joethomas_x @brianbelhumeur @garshythoel @_shahedk @brittlayton @paulius_dragunas @sephdk @susanacigano just downloaded the extension and can't wait to try, tell us more about 2.0, what's new with the latest release?
Susana de Sousa
Top Product
Hey @abadesi, great question! Loom 2.0 brings 5 new updates to Loom: ๐ŸŽฅ New Recording Experience โœ‚๏ธ Trimming ๐Ÿ˜ Emoji Reactions ๐Ÿ“ข Activity Notifications ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ Use Cases Page ( You can record your camera and screen with audio and instantly share the video with your team, friends, and family! Let me know if you have any other questions, we're here to help!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@abadesi - thought I'd leave you a video going over these features a bit more!
Tom Fitch

I've been using Loom for a long time to share regular internal updates with my team. I'm an engineer and having an easy way to share videos, with my voice over, of new features and bug fixes is great. It's easy and an awesome flow that improves our communication and keeps everyone involved.

We use Loom for customer facing content as well. We've created how to videos that we share via email or Intercom and users love them. We're now starting to embed videos in a library to help with user education.

Loom's making all of this easier. Loom is one of the top two apps we use that helps us as a startup, right there with Intercom.


Easy to install and use. Easy to share videos. Videos are available immediately. Intuitive UI. Useful features like timestamped comments.



Your product looks amazing and I absolutely love the uses cases section. But I'm unsure about what "free" exactly means. I couldn't find anything on your website so that makes me unsure if I can trust you with my data. Any plans for pricing? Do you have funding? I don't want to start using this and establishing as a standard only for it to be gone in a couple of months. So any word on that (here as well as on your website) would be much appreciated! Other than that, Loom falls into the category of "How did this not exist yet?" - looks amazing!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
Hey @yannschaub! Thought I'd leave you a video reply explaining this. It's a fair question!
Kรธbi Heisenberg-Dรฆnger ร˜menรฆkรฅ

every time i have to deal with a problem on a site or app i record it with Loom and send the link - makes it super simple!


Simple as f*&^ - great to show customer support what is going on with software - they cannot argue



Menachem Pritzker

I also use it for onboarding new users, recording quick personalized welcome videos, and answer their questions with how-to screencaps in our user dashboard


love it. I use this almost exclusively for communicating bug reports to my developer



Juraj Pal
Been loving Loom for a long time now whenever sending product updates to team, partners or when needing to quickly show a feature to a customer. The new updates are just nice touches to the overall experience โœจ Keep up the good work team Loom! ๐Ÿ‘Š
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@jurajpal Thanks Juraj! Can we send you some Loom swag as a token of appreciation? ;-)
Adina Jipa
Love your product, guys! Keep up the good work team Loom! ๐Ÿ‘Š
Paulius Dragunas
Top Product
@adinajipa Thanks!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@adinajipa Thank you Adina!
Jim Rand
Definitely a solid product. Using it for some of our explainer videos.
Harshyt Goel
Top Product
Awesome @jimrand!
Alex Chaidaroglou
First time I used Loom, I instantly fell in love with it. The product is great, saves a ton of time on showing colleagues or friends how-to and tutorials. Great job guys, I hope you do great on PH, you deserve it!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@achaidaroglou You're a rockstar Alex. Thank you!!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@achaidaroglou thank you Alex ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ Happy to have you here with us!
Website is super clean and looks really easy to use :) I cant wait to try it.
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@asmiler Thank you!
Laurence Ion
Lovely product, even better now! Congrats on the update, keep it up!! :)
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@laur_ion Thank you!
Pascal Briod
Great job! I tested Loom back in September 2016 and didn't used it since as I didn't found good use-cases at the time. This fresh update and the use-cases page make me want to start using Loom again, congrats!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@pbriod Hey Pascal! Great to see your name pop up again. :-) Let us know how your second go-around is and whether you found new use cases that helped you stick this time around!
Grisha Kotlyar

Excellent idea and solid implementation.





Steven Jacobs
I was looking for a screen recorder for my Chromebook and came across Loom a couple of weeks ago. Truly great product.
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@stevenjacobs_ Thanks for the kind words Steven!
vipul mishra

Great tool, been using Loom almost from day-1. After making over 1,000 videos I feel Loom a critical part of my daily workflow to share brief for my team and much more..


Easy to use, Does what it says


Yet to find

Hugo Mรผller-Downing
I use Loom every day for standups and it's pretty awesome โ€” it's made things so much more streamlined for us!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@hugojmd Hell yeah Hugo! This is a huge use case for the engineering team! How do you guys structure your standups? Do you enforce any kind of time limit?
Hugo Mรผller-Downing
@vhmth We typically try to keep it under 10 minutes, but if things devolve (and no one's paying attention) sometimes they get to 30 minutes! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Our typical structure is to go through our board and identify how people are going, and any blockers they've hit ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@hugojmd Good to know! Thanks for getting back to me on this. :-)
Vlad Korobov
Feature request: Video Dialogs (Response and comment)
Susana de Sousa
Top Product
Hey @vladkorobov, thanks so much for the feature request! Definitely one for the books :) We're keeping our Public Roadmap hosted here: Please feel free to comment, vote and check out what's in store for the future :)