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Reduce eye strain & exhaustion with the 20-20-20 Rule
ben Watanabe
Smile Hunt — Adds Amazon 😄buttons to books on Product Hunt (Amazon Smile…
ben Watanabe
This #1DayHack was inspired by a tweet convo w/ @AndrewDixonSo thanks to his conscientious use of an Amazon Smile Link when he hunted Insanely Simple. Using smile.amazon.com 0.5% of your purchase goes to charity. Learn about it in their video:
It's easy to forget to smile, especially when rushing to be first to hunt a book. With Smile Hunt a "…With a 😄" button is added that will redirect you to the smile version of the book.
Naoto Ida
Thank you for checking Smile Hunt out! There's a second when you get to Amazon and it redirects. We had a version with no redirects, but didn't want to risk breaking any of PH's analytics, so implemented the redirect last.
Andreas Klinger
Awesome stuff guys!
ben Watanabe
@andreasklinger Thanks! Happy to have a "CTO kind-of-guy" from the team appreciate it 😄 In case you or anyone else is interested in how we did it, like our team's other #1DayHack we've open source it 👉 https://github.com/96-problems/S...