Ryan Mickle

Guides by Lonely Planet - Explore city guides curated by experts.

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Brenden Mulligan
omfg been waiting for them to actually make this kind of app for years. Looks like it works exactly how it should work. As someone who travels almost exclusively with LP, carrying about the book (or part of the book - i tear out relevant pages) is generally cumbersome. This is AMAZING at first glance. Wish I had it in asia a few weeks ago. Wow. Nice work LP! Finally!
Brenden Mulligan
also looks like there's an android version available. @eriktorenburg @rrhoover you guys might want to change subtitle to "on your phone" and add https://play.google.com/store/ap... for android link
@mulligan My favorite piece of feedback so far. Thanks Brenden!
Matthew McCroskey
@mulligan I second @bradhaynes -- thank you for this wonderful feedback! Travelers like you are what it's all about for us!
Drew Meyers
@mulligan "omfg been waiting for them to actually make this kind of app for years." Me too. Me too. @mmccroskey & @bradhaynes, I was contemplating building a native app very similar to this a couple years ago while working on @ohheyworld, and selling it to LP. Or, building it for LP as a consulting project. I think I actually did try to connect with a business development person, but never made any real progress. I knew what the product should be, but didn't have anyway to get the data. Congrats!
Ryan Mickle
Legend has it Steve Jobs carried a Lonely Planet Guide when he traveled to India.
Matthew McCroskey
@ryanm We've heard that legend ourselves... 😉
Samir Doshi
Love the offline maps mode --- so useful in different cities where cell signal is iffy.
@samir_doshi Yup, was a huge request during our research.
Matthew McCroskey
@samir_doshi Glad you like it! And as @bradhaynes said, a big request from customers. Please let us know how it works for you if you get a chance to try it!
Daniel Burka
Just downloaded and grabbed maps for a few cities. Looks amazing.
@dburka Thanks Daniel!
Sumesh Dugar
This is something a friend of mine and I had fear the need for a short while back. I am glad that Lonely Planet has given us a place. Does this have a possibility of becoming a local guide? Or is that in your future product plan?
Samir Doshi
@sumeshdugar Having local guides would be cool - we were working on a product where locals can form a following with their expertise and build curated collections for routes for experiencing something in a place... would be cool to see here
@sumeshdugar The ability to provide travelers with a "local" guide is definitely a goal, albeit hard to achieve. So much more we're hoping to accomplish in the coming year. Can't wait to post more!
Jaswinder Brar
Your wonderful product has inspired my to come up with some.. Ideations for possible customer acquisition facilitation methods including.. Offering your services to travel agents to promote to their clients.. Partnering with rideshare and taxi companies to promote this in accordance with their services.. Circulating flyers at airports for new arrivals.. Getting your app featured on in-flight magazines.. I hope you find these helpful!! I really look forward to using your great product! Thank you. Jaswinder Brar
@jay_bee12345 thanks for the ideas. I love where your head is at!
top idea.
Ben Tossell
this is awesome :) Very needed! When thinking of travel, I automatically think of Lonely Planet
Dan Fennessy
Good to see LP catching up with the times, looks like a slick app at first glance whilst being true to the legacy of books & great content.
@dan_fennessy Was a hard balance to strike. Thanks for the kind words!
Pete R.
This is just gorgeous!
Brian Kidwell
This is awesome. I can't wait to test it out in Bangkok in a few months! ✈️
@thebriankidwell Let us know what you think!
Jack Plantin
Bought a Lonely Planet guide to Ukraine before I moved here and it's helped me out a boat-load. Glad I don't have to carry that book around anymore :)
Shaun Tollerton
So what we have here is curated lists wrapped in a very slick looking and functional app. Nice. But what I'd really love to see is curated routes/plans/itineraries. That would really maximize days out in a new place.
@tollerton Spot on Shaun. This is just the beginning!
Inhan Do
Similar to Citymaps2Go.. But UI is more attractive.
Jochem Wijnands
Hey guys how are you planning on updating them? Cheers!
Diego Jimenez
@jochemwijnands Sure! This is a v1. We’ll keep updating the app with improvements, features, new cities and more content. Let us know what you think!
Zlatko Unger
This is fantastic. Very good UX with nice animations. The only thing I would like is a way to group cities by country/continent. Looking forward to more cities.
Diego Jimenez
@zlatty Glad you like it! Good point, thanks for the feedback. And yeah, we’ll keep adding new cities shortly :)