I really enjoy this concept. To build off of @valentine_erokhin's idea. It'd be cool to have a whole slack channel dedicated to the updates, this way it doesn't disrupt any other conversations that may be going on in the other channels.
@gabe__perez thanks, yeah, that sounds quite reasonable. will make posting easier. and llamify will just collect those images and show as team member profiles. for anyone to view whenever they want.
this can already be achieved in slack if one searches "from:@username in:#channel" but the view is oriented on showing chat messages and doesn't do good justice to photos.
@valentine_erokhin yeah, I think that's a really interesting direction! I wanted to validated the MVP first and then if it gets enough upvotes create a slack bot that you can send images to and it will upload them to llamify. which also might remind the team about uploading something once in a while and which can post a gallery of all submissions to some chat, say, once a week.
Hey everyone, 👋
I made a small app for my remote team members to share about their off-work activities (indoor, outdoor, and virtual).
It is a posts feed and a non-boring staff directory that allows you to get to know your teammates better. 😊
Compared to water cooler chats in Slack it allows to collect submissions and present them in a neat form of user profiles.
Compared to Facebook/Instagram it gives control over what you share with your colleagues and how often you check updates from them.
Please let me know what you think of the concept! 🙏
What features would you suggest to add?
Thanks for giving it a chance!
Have a great day! ☮️
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