@sidianmsjones@livebeaconjames@mighty55 Not associated with this product, but wanted to weigh in. The only "appless" way of doing this is by using cards in your Wallet. Live Beacon should be able to do that in a reasonable amount of time unless they're doing something weird... but that's still not a magic bullet because the user still has to click/install something. Honestly, no one wants to live in a world where hardware devices can push notifications to your phone without asking for it.
@claudesutterlin@sidianmsjones@mighty55 Hi Claude, thanks for chipping in.
That's not entirely true, there are a few options:
1. PhysicalWeb (via Google Chrome)
2. Partnering with a well distributed existing app
3. JavaScript Bluetooth API
4. Instant apps (I've got a feeling Apple are working on this too)
None of these would/ should facilitate unsolicited push notifications, but would be a quicker route to see the local content.
@as_austin Thanks Austin,
*Puts salesman hat on* Back us on Kickstarter to make it happen ;) There's an early adopter pledge that'll get you preproduction units much sooner.
We want to get to market ASAP!
I love beacons. There is so many different solutions using it, museums, shops... Box selling seams to be good way to popularisation it. Good luck James! Tell us about advantages over the Kontakt.io or estimote. Best regards.
@marcinodchyl1 Thanks Marcin, me too!
Kontakt.io and Estimote beacons both require coding skills in order to use them (Live Beacon doesn't). I think there's an even bigger market for people who don't know how to code (or don't have the time!) and want to set up beacons quickly!
Please fire across any questions, I'd love to answer them :)
@livebeaconjames@marcinodchyl1 I think your right. I hope this takes off! As a geocacher I think this would be awesome for this purpose. Are they water proof?
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Live Beacon
Feather - Nest for the TV
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Live Beacon