Sahil Bondre

Listly - All your lists in one place

Store all your lists in one place! Get productive, get organised. Make a list!

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Sahil Bondre
My very first product! Made in a single day so may contain bugs. I'd love to hear from you and fix all the nasty bugs and add more features 😄
Chris Cheshire
This sounds interesting but would like to know more about what "all my lists in one place" means before signing up. I have lists in google keep, evernote, apple notes. Does it collate all of them? Or is it an app that has the capability to store any type of list?
Sahil Bondre
@chriftc Absolutely valid point! I'll try to work on improving the landing page ux.
Sumit Kishore
This is something I've been looking for since Thoughtboxes ( went down (site directs elsewhere, but you may find archived versions). The differences from that seem to be: - That allowed item by item editing. I can't make up my mind whether editing a whole list at once is a good idea or not. - That had inline editing. Creating lists is optimal when it is quick. The fact that editing opens up a new screen showing one list only is a distraction. - That distinguished different lists with different colored headers. A small thing that made a difference. That said, some good ideas here; it does fill a need; and pretty impressive for a day's work.
Sahil Bondre
@sumitkishore Thank you for your inputs. Will work on them!
Khaled Khan
It's getting logout automatically after page refresh and not able to see my lists as well.