Listicle.Fun - A blog doesn’t have to be a slog if you’ve got brain fog


Repurposing a video into a blog? That's one-to-one. Repurposing many blogs into a new blog? That's many-to-fun.

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This idea was actually brought up by Jason Lengstorf almost a year ago. Back then, we weren't sure how we could accomplish something like this. In today's AI world, it's all about the Art of the Possible!
Majd Alsado
Super cool, especially love that tagline 😉 I do feel people might feel a bit off giving you their API key like this, is the key being stored on your servers?
@majd_alsado totally understand! Good news is we don't send your API key anywhere (including our servers) except the OpenAI endpoint. We use our own RSS endpoint for processing an RSS feed, which returns text back to the client. The text + your OpenAI key + prompt gets sent to GPT-4. Thanks for the question!