Gagan Singh

Linkedin Messaging - People centric professional messaging


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Jack Smith
mine hasn't updated to the latest version yet. I really hope they've made it better - LinkedIn messages are a TERRIBLE user experience. Same with being sent a linkedin request - I have no idea who ~75% of the people that add me on LinkedIn actually are.
Nikita Bakirov
@_jacksmith +1 TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE user experience! I'm really curious why haven't they fixed it yet ?! Nice work @urbanturbanguy !
Philip Schweizer
@_jacksmith LinkedIn is a great tool and messaging IS getting better, but it would be a better one if open to third party app makers. That would unleash tons of creativity. Here are some who try doing that
Matty Mariansky
Facebook Messenger for business leads? I can see some interesting use cases for robots in there, helping out on recruiting or sales pipelines
Patrick J. Bradley
Is this web only?
Blake Robinson
@patrickjbradley It looks like there will be iOS and Android apps similar to the Linkedin Lookup apps that came out a few weeks ago.
@blake this will actually be part of the main LinkedIn app for now. That way the millions of people who use LinkedIn's mobile app everyday will get access without having to install anything else.
Blake Robinson
@markhull Any word on wider availability? This still isn't showing up for me.
@blake the ramp is planned over the next few weeks, but connect with me via linkedin and i'll keep you posted.
Simon Cave
It's so much better!
Eric Metelka
LinkedIn Messaging needed a major overhaul for years, but GIFs and stickers were in scope for launch? I'm all for adding delight with a release, but seems odd these these features were a priority. Any insight behind why they are included at launch?
@eric3000 i think this article gets close to articulating some of the rationale
Pieter Walraven
This is awesome, long overdue, but looks simple enough. Congrats @urbanturbanguy ! Curious to hear about how this came about, what your high-level goals for this product are. Also: any way to get early access? (I'm inpatient in Singapore)
Emmanuel Darmon
When this VERY NECESSARY update will be available in France ?
@emmanueldarmon we're starting with English-speaking locales first, and we will aggressively ramp beyond right after that. asap!
Dakota Younger
HOW is this just NOW coming around?!
Brandon Lipman
I am not seeing this update show up yet when going into my LinkedIn. I would love to get access to it as I use LinkedIn messages/InMail quite a lot.
ian ray
Simple and practical. Well done on making it an evolution instead of revolution!
Much much needed, the PM behind this -- thank you
Finally! :D
Vlad Ciurca
Is this live for everybody? I can't really see anything new in the LinkedIn Inbox.