Alex Christou

Link in Bio - Link in bio tool with video, built in no-code

One page for all your links with a video. Claim a unique URL and share in your bio. Add your links, pick your theme and you're good to go.

All built in no-code: Webflow + Bubble in 4 weeks.

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Alex Christou
Hey PH 👋🏼 Excited to launch this Link in bio tool - all built in no-code! We built this tool in about 4 weeks or so. The landing page is in Webflow, and the rest of the app is built in Bubble.
Alexis Bardini
This is so cool! Great job @sab8a @tomokihara @alexchristou17
Alex Christou
@sab8a @tomokihara @alexis_bardini Cheers Alexis! Sabba always does a good job on the videos eh
@sab8a @alexchristou17 @alexis_bardini Thanks Alexis!! Grab your handle before they go ;)
Craig Paterson
Great work. Really cool!
Alex Christou
@craigcpaterson Thanks Craig! Appreciate it.
Melissa Stockton
This is awesome! I love the video feature on it. Brilliant 🎉
@missystockton Thanks Melissa, now it only supports Youtube video but we are hoping to add more support in the near future
Aleks Miric
This is awesome, I could see it being really useful and fun for podcasters who tend to share a boring linktree with all the platforms they are on.
@a_m4 Thanks Aleks! And yess we definitely want podcasters to be using this!
Alex Christou
@a_m4 Thanks Aleks, appreciate it mate. yeah - I hadn't thought about podcasters to be honest. Wonder if there's a use case for them to have unique link in bios for different episodes 🤔
Sandy Pranjic
Very cool!
@sandypranjic Thanks Sandy!
Alex Goff
Love this - signing up now. As some feedback, after adding my second link, I was expecting the button to move down too, but it didn't so I was worried if anything was saving! Great work though!
Alex Goff
Also, can the video autoplay? It doesn't seem to for me:
@acgoff Hello Alex, looking into the problem now! In the meantime can you check whether the video is public and not private? thanks!
Alex Christou
@acgoff Hey Alex, we've fixed this for you - it's to do with us not being able to fetch the video from the shortened URL. Cheers mate!
Ben WS
This is cool! Grab your handle before they go 😁
Alex Christou
@ben_wynne_simmons They're flying off the shelf Ben, be quick 😉
Johan Cutych
This product is HOT! Can see many wild usecases out there for TikTokers and other influencers! Good job!
Alex Christou
@johancutych Cheers Johan! Many many use cases tbh. Like you said, social is the main one but also I think it's sweet for teams. For example, having a link in your slack profile where people can check out your blog, socials, book a call etc. Sales, you can spin up unique pages for different prospects. Showreels, for videographers to upload their video and have a unique link. Not enough hours in the day right @johancutych?
Jan Trautwein
The video doesn't play... An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: qoFQ0BQlqQCdI_rA)
Alex Christou
@jan_trautwein Hey Jan, sorry about this! I've fixed this bug now for you - it's to do with the formatting and using the short version of the URL. Cheers!