Eric Willis

Light L16 Camera - 16 cameras in one, 52-megapixel photos, 4K video 😳

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Rajiv Laroia
Hey everyone, I’m Rajiv Laroia, co-founder and CTO of Light. We’re excited to be on Product Hunt today - thank you Ben and thanks Eric for hunting us! I developed the underlying technology for the Light L16 Camera because I was tired of lugging a bag full of camera gear around every time I wanted to take great pictures. And I’m still not satisfied with the “good enough” pictures I get from my mobile phone. Our camera is the first multi-aperture computational camera. With 16 individual camera modules, Light’s technology fuses 10 images into one super high-quality, 52-megapixel image. These images have fantastic depth of field control and incredibly low noise. And the camera offers true optical zoom from 35-150mm while being slim enough to fit in a pocket. I’m excited to offer a $300 savings to the Product Hunt community… use code PRODUCTHUNTER. I’ll be monitoring Product Hunt throughout the day and am looking forward to answering some questions! Rajiv
Robert Bye
@drrajivlaroia Did I spot you using my golden gate bridge photo in one of your videos? If so, love it! Do get in touch with me if there is ever an opportunity for testing the product or trying out Beta version. I run a product design studio and enjoy taking photos, so I will be able to provide some advice.
Ben Thompson
@drrajivlaroia Rajiv, this feels like a revolutionary step in a space where that is difficult to do. very excited for you and the Light team. multiple lenses stitching back together, changing depth of field after the fact… Loved the technical video too. 😍😍😍
Chris Messina
@drrajivlaroia can you say more about the OS, file formats, and the user-facing software components?
Khuram Malik
@drrajivlaroia quick question. Could this also solve the problem of needing a separate lens for wide angle shots? Or does it only solve the multi aperture problem at this stage?
Rajiv Laroia
@khurammalik @drrajivlaroia Hi Khuram! With wider fixed focal length camera modules, we could build cameras that zoom out even wider. We chose the 35-150mm range because it represented a broad range of use cases. We know there will be demand for a system that goes wider (say 24-105) and a system that goes farther. We hope to one day put a 600mm zoom in a device roughly the size of a tablet.
Ben Tossell
I've been working with the guys at Light on this awesome launch! They are offering an ADDITIONAL $300 off the price on top of the already $400 launch discount. What a phenomenal offer for PHers :)
Ali R. Tariq
Holy crap. This looks like it _could_ be a game changer, but it's also such a new take on an established tech that I don't know which way it'd go. Will people really want to carry around a second device apart from their personal phones in an age when camera phones are only getting better and eating up the standalone camera market share? Based also on the price tag, is it fair to say that this is targeted squarely at photography buffs and people who absolutely need high quality images and not really at casual picture takers? If so, the promo video (which is fun to watch) is giving some mixed messages by showing casual picture takers alongside the pros. Also, I love the photo gallery. It's making me want one, but the price is prohibitive for me right now. Really nice touch to include pictures that were taken during the promo video, too!
Rajiv Laroia
@alirtariq Thanks for the comments Ali! In our research, we found that half of all people who'd ever bought a "nice" camera (DSLR, mirrorless, etc., a ~$25B annual market) had abandoned it - primarily because of size, weight, and complexity. The L16 solves those problems for that audience. Will the person who firmly believes their mobile phone pictures are "good enough" take on a standalone camera? Perhaps not. But I'd challenge those people to look back on the last several years of their photo libraries and ask whether they are really happy with those pictures. I, for one, am not. We are definitely expecting the L16 to be picked up by "photography buffs," as you say. But the mission of Light is to make high quality photography accessible to all. We've recently licensed the technology to the largest manufacturer of mobile phones in the world, and expect phones with the Light technology embedded to begin shipping in late 2016 or early 2017. It's through this channel that we reach our long term mission. The L16 is only the beginning... Hopefully we'll find the Light technology in your hands one way or another next year!
Ali R. Tariq
@drrajivlaroia @alirtariq thanks for the detailed response, Rajiv! I have a few thoughts. "... half of all people who'd ever bought a "nice" camera (DSLR, mirrorless, etc., a ~$25B annual market) had abandoned it - primarily because of size, weight, and complexity. The L16 solves those problems for that audience." I'm not sure it does. Ultimately, I think, all those factors you mention are about convenience. Carrying a second unit is still less convenient than carrying one device which you already use to pretty much do everything else these days, i.e. a phone. Not saying no one will carry a second device - just saying it may not be something they'd want to carry everywhere they go, which puts it in the same bucket as a DSLR, whichever way you cut it, imo. "I'd challenge those people to look back on the last several years of their photo libraries and ask whether they are really happy with those pictures. I, for one, am not." Neither am I. But, would I pay top dollar to carry a second unit that takes awesome pictures ... only to find that I have to sync those pictures to my primary device in order to share them with my friends? Would I, for example, be able to share a picture from the L16 directly with my Whatsapp contacts without having to sync them elsewhere first? If so, that's awesome. If not, this could lead to some costly friction. If you want to target the mass market, then it's imperative to understand why people take photos to begin with. And the mass market has many different segments of photo takers that each have their own psychographic qualities. People who value taking selfies will be quick to realize that they can't do so with the L16. There goes a customer segment! From a functional perspective, and for argument's sake, I'm comparing the L16 with my Canon G9. I love my G9. My primary uses for it are taking concert and travel photography, which I hate taking with my phone because I can't get the quality that I'm looking for. So I tradeoff the convenience of a phone for the quality of a superior camera. But I also love taking portrait photography, which I use my Nikon D3200 for, in order to get the granular control that I want. Now if the L16 can replace BOTH my G9 and my DSLR, then I'm a happy camper. But it'll be a tough act, because those devices are used for specific use cases. And I predict that I'll still be using my phone to take quick snaps that I want to share right away with my contacts. All that said, I think your licensing the tech to a large manufacturer is your ticket to success. If widespread adoption is your goal, getting the tech into phones will be a huge boost. Congrats on taking that step! Really excited to see how it pans out (excuse the pun). :)
Josh Barkin
@alirtariq I don't think they are targeting the mass photo market. Apple does that with the iPhone. They are targeting a serious (albeit big) photographer market that would be otherwise buying a lot of bulky high-end gear. This looks like it delivers all the tech pros demand, but at the size of a smartphone. Size / weight is obviously a huge pain point for pro photographers who would otherwise be carrying around multiple cameras and/or lenses
Jonathan Howard
@joshbarkin @alirtariq A great example of this from their CEO "I have a pro photographer friend who went on a week long "bucket list" hike last summer. He said he WANTED to take his camera gear, but "am I going to take 20lbs of gear? or am I going to take water?"
Jimmy Reuterwall
Wow, looks amazing. Could you tell more on how it works with creative control (aperture/time etc). Looking forward to replace full frame + glass :)
Rajiv Laroia
@jmy Thanks Jimmy! We'll offer as much creative control as you want. It's important to understand there are a few paradigm shifts in this device. While we'll offer some of the same features you're used to from a big camera (such as depth of field control), how we get there is quite a bit different. For example, since our master aperture (all 16 cameras together) is synthetic, we calculate and render depth of field effects after image capture. So rather than requiring an aperture setting before exposure, this creative choice remains flexible well into your editing process. [To get even more technical: we have f/2.4 lenses, and because the lenses are defraction limited, we do not stop down the aperture, because doing so would blur the whole image. Because of this, depth of field is not coupled to aperture.] We can also offer all sorts of new effects related to time because we can control the exposure time on each camera module independently. For instance, one module can expose for shorter time to capture highlights, while one module can expose for longer time to capture the shadows. This gives the opportunity to do simultaneous HDR shots, versus the sequential HDR you might be used to on a mobile phone or DSLR. We're excited to get the camera in your hands next year!
Alexander Sloan
This looks amazing. Any chance of side by sides with an iPhone so that we can see the benefit?
Alex Popescu
@alexsloansa I came in to say this. It would help to have those pictures side-by-side with some more well-known cameras, a DSLR, an iPhone, a average to top of the line compact camera. I'm pretty sure these will follow shortly at least in reviews, right after the camera will be released.
Robert Bye
This is completely insane and I literally cannot wait to get my hands on one! I was not expecting to see crazy innovation like this for quite some time.
Jeremy PHAN
Having used the Lytro light-field camera, I'm also very excited for this. Can you publish any specs on shot times (e.g. shutter to save, next shot, etc.) since "130 MP of data" is a lot to process, dimensions/weight, battery (shot) capacity, etc.
Chris Messina
@jptn my first thought was to compare to the Lytro, which, AFAICT, isn't doing that well in the market. I'm curious how these two products compare?
Jonathan Howard
@chrismessina @jptn This is nothing like the Lytro light-field style camera. It uses all those cameras (+ software) to create a RAW, JPG, etc just like DSLRs at a range of focal lengths, just without the need for expensive/heavy glass the DSLRs use. You end up with JPGs or RAW files, and you can even post direct to Facebook's Android app, because it's an Android device.
Jeremy PHAN
@staringispolite @drrajivlaroia Now if only any of your responses actually addressed any part of my question... The Lytro does output in JPG, it's live photos are viewable in Facebook, and as a photographer, posting directly to Facebook is (very) low on my list of priorities.
Chris Messina
These guys have raised $35M to build this product. Impressive.
Itzel Yrev
See so many holes enhances my trypophobia 😅
Alexander Kesselaar
That would explain why I couldn't hunt it. Looks like an incredible device. Really still trying to wrap my head around the technology. Have you got any estimates on how many stops Dynamic Range the Camera will offer. I'm guessing that it should be fairly high and does the Camera output raw files?
Joshua Tsui
the 4K video, is it raw or standard codecs?
Rajiv Laroia
@joshytsui Hey Josh! We're a little too early in the video development to say. We plan to publish a full spec next year.
Eddie DaRoza
Really cool. I'm interested in the video aspect.. Did you guys shoot your promo video using the L16? How many stops of dynamic range?
@eddiedaroza Having seen the example images I think it's clear to see that it's not the Light for the video on the homepage unfortunately!
Thiago Achatz
That's an awesome camera!!! Congratulations in the invention!! I can't wait to get my Light!!!
AWESOME!! 😱😍😱😍😱
Christopher Leach
Looks very amazing! I get paid tomorrow so I'm praying the product hunt code also works tomorrow because I would love to get my hands on one of these!
Is this like the lytro? But instead of controlling depth of field you get... "all the fields"?
Jonathan Howard
@bryantchou It's not. It creates a flat image just like a normal camera (can even post directly to FB via the Android app because it's an Android device)
Faisal Hassan
This is so cool!
Faisal Hassan
Very interesting, but kind of hard to shell over $ when no tech specs have been posted yet. SD card required or does it have internal storage? Specs on the video (bit rate/codec)? User replacable battery?
Dilyar Askar
Hello Rajiv! SUPERB job on accomplishing this far with this amazing product and welcome to the community! I was super excited to reserve it after reading about it for a while, but then was crushed to see that it seems to be only available to citizens living in United States? Will Canadians like I be able to reserve it as well? I would love to take advantage of the current promotions right now :( . Also, when taking a video, which lens​ does it use and at what frames is it shot at? Lastly, if I am taking a direct portrait, which lens does the person look at?