Online personal loans at great rate
Ali R. Tariq
Lending Club — Credit marketplace for peer-to-peer lending
Ali R. Tariq
I have no affiliation with these guys, but I found the business model fascinating. Has anybody actually used this? If this succeeds, I reckon it could have far reaching implications on financing and personal banking in general.
Stefano Bernardi
@alirtariq seems a bit late stage to post on Product Hunt. They're about to IPO.
Ali R. Tariq
@stefanobernardi I figured they were under-the-radar enough to share with the community.
Ryan Negri
@alirtariq Have you tried Prosper before?
Ali R. Tariq
@ryannegri Nope - just checked it out. Very interesting. What's your take on it?
Ryan Negri
@alirtariq I used it back in the day (first few years of launch). They seem pretty good, but never really "blew up". I think they could with the right people behind them. It seems they could pivot to a crowfunding platform for startups for equity instead of buying products like KS and INDGOGO.
San Mc Dillon

"Lending Club." Is the best to get a loan in my financial situation.


Lending Club’s terms are so clear, and their pattern of service so well established,.


Some users may be required to supply copies of tax documentation.

Nick O'Neill
I'm currently getting 14% on lending club. Have been lending money on there for over a year now.
Ali R. Tariq
@allnick wow, that's astronomically high relative to rates available from traditional banks. How has your experience been? Any defaults, if you don't mind me asking?
Nick O'Neill
@alirtariq yes, defaults are a fact of life but the basic idea is that you don't invest more than $25 in each investment. If you put at least $10k in they have an automated diversification system