Shaina Shiwarski

Legends - The social network for everyday explorers

Legends generates your Travel DNA, from currently unstructured phone metadata, to create a single identity that can be shared across communities and updated in real-time. Creating hyper-personalized connections based on real-time needs.

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Shashank Pandya
Super interesting product πŸš€πŸš€ Congratulations for the launch πŸ’ͺ🏻
Love the interactiveness of the earth interface (somehow reminds me of Ingress the game hahaha), it just brings everything to life. Really excited to see how this product can grow especially since international travel restrictions have been lifted in many countries and people are able to actually MOVE again. Keep it up! Looking forward to future updates!
Shaina Shiwarski
@hanslin98 Thank you for the feedback! Love that you appreciate the earth. Would love to hear any other elements you would want to be able to do in the app. Currently we're working on our community section to connect people and local communities while you travel. Cheers, Shaina
@shaina_shiwarski Great to hear back from you! From what I can see at the moment it feels like a community/crowdsourced trip advisor platform to me (except the Legends's UI is fancier and the overall user experience is great haha). But you've also mentioned that you're adding 1on1 messaging to Legends, so I can see this product moving towards more of a peer-to-peer kind of direction and becoming more like a community/crowdsourcing kind of platform (I could be wrong). This would give Legends the potential to attract businesses to join the platform (you've mentioned that you're currently working on the community section to connect people and local communities). But it can also be challenging because I guess you might also have to have a large user base to begin with (depending on the size of a locality you might be experimenting in the future)? Sorry for the very random ideas above hahah but personally I'm just very curious if you want Legends to stay niche and be a more local community-based/close friends-only kind of platform, or do you see it as a potential Trip Advisor/Airbnb+Instagram platform? Best regards, Hans
Shaina Shiwarski
@hanslin98 Thanks for the thoughtful response and ideas! Through a lot of our partnership conversations we've found that there are a lot of brands and companies that are trying to create community on platforms like instagram, Whatsapp and telegram but those platforms are not setup for the type of interaction and community they're looking for. We see this as an opportunity to not only enable individuals to create their own communities but also provide the tool to businesses that are supporting those individuals. We'll have a version of this developed by the end of the year that we will be testing with a few companies.
Shaina Shiwarski
Hey Product Hunt Community 🌏 Shaina here - I'm the Co-Founder of Legends and couldn't be more excited to introduce you to our Beta for the Community App for Explorers of the world. A bit about our Legend and why we started..... The more we traveled the more we evolved into our authentic selves. The more we moved around the world, the more we craved to find our people and our places. We realized, the travel industry is selling us a commodified perspective of the planet which is costing us our time, money, and energy. And when on the other side of the world, this one size fits all approach lacks the resources to serve and support the everyday traveler when they need recommendations, a community, and the ability to feel empowered both professionally and personally, anywhere. It made one thing very clear, travel is broken. We’re the afterthought in the face of an industry monopolized by a select few, as sold through the lens of the influencer and large media companies that are paid to highlight the newest destinations from tourism boards. The more friends asked for our travel recs, the more we realized that our experiences held value that simply wasn’t being captured. And we saw that as our opportunity to translate them into something that had been lost - our voice. Legends removes the noise so that your data can speak for itself, creating your unique Travel DNA. This visualization empowers us to collectively remap our world, together. Our proprietary tech and community powered approach delivers the new home for the everyday explorer. Legends helps you find where, when, and with whom, your next best story is going to take place. Legends. We give you a planet. Together, we make it a home. Our Beta on the App Store (iOS Only) Allows you to: 🌍 Map your Travel DNA 🌏 See your friends travel DNA 🏝 See suggested recommendations from places you've been, add and share them πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Ask friends and the community for recs πŸ“ Get notified when friends arrive in the current location as you πŸ’‘ Discover new recommendations from the community, around the world In Progress - πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» 1:1 messaging πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Community Lounges We've got an ambitious vision and a long way to go but we're proud of what we've built today and excited to get your feedback and support. Start living your Legend now. Shaina
Drashti Limbachiya
Congratulations to the team for the Launch πŸ‘
Stephanie Daniel
So excited to share this with the Product Hunt community and proud of the team πŸ™Œ We would love to hear any and all feedback, suggestions or questions as we continue the journey Thank you for joining us πŸŒŽβœ¨πŸš€