Tanesha Austen

Leebot for content creator - Find the most popular questions for any topic or product


Find hundreds of content topics for any product, service or topic in seconds! Easily create content and SEO briefs, cut down research time from hours to minutes and create content your customers actually want to read!

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Leebot has made what would have taken a long time researching on different tools and pulling together industry specific information is much quicker, and it gives us much much better insight! Our content is faster, better quality and we're really seeing results with our SEO since using Leebot!
Tanesha Austen
@katie22983 Thanks Katie!
Tanesha Austen
Leebot improves any website, lightning fast⚡️ Identify the content & keyphrase gaps in your sales or marketing, then work together to fill the gaps with built-in SEO & Paid Advertising
Rhymer Espinosa
Congrats on the launch @tanesha_austen .