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Jad Joubran

JavaScript Knowledge Map — Interactive knowledge map for JavaScript

I've built this Interactive JavaScript Knowledge Map that allows developers to get a glance at _most_ topics in modern JavaScript.
I honestly really love this. I just wish the items would change color / scale up or something when I hover over them.
Jad Joubran
@brentobox Thanks! They become linkable (thus change color) when you complete the relevant lesson :D
Mohith Gupta Korangi
If possible, try inlcuding a option to download it as a an image or pdf, so that sharing becomes comfortable! Good List!!
Mohith Gupta Korangi
@dviewy Thanks :) Can you tell me how you did that? I tried some ways to extract the SVG or downoad it as a pic...but none worked. I would love to know!
Viewy Demid
@mohith_gupta_korangi 1. Open Chrome Developer Tools 2. Delete header from DOM 3. Turn on responsive mode and changed the viewport to the desired resolution 4. FOCUS devtools and press CMD+SHIFT+P (probably CTRL+SHIFT+P in win) and entered the 'screenshot' in the dropdown field. Then select 'Capture full size screenshot' Enjoy!
Mr. Ã…nand
Great 🔥 Is this generated with JavaScript?
Valdas Stonkus
What is differences between Functions Lexical scope vs Lexical scope in your map?
Jad Joubran
@valdas_stonkus It's a duplicate, I'll fix it, thanks!
Frank Laughlin
This will be useful when writing filter code for IFTTT recipes.
Sebastian Hien
Great entry visualization and super clean learning app. Love it!
Yakubu Yusuf Tambaya
A wonderful product. Thank you
santhosh vs
It is here . Original source https://learnjavascript.online/k...
Timur Nahrachev
this would be a very useful map!!!
Lucy Mwaura
Awesome project
It’s cool project
Lwanga Allan
Perfect choice