Christine Fok, Product Manager with LinkedIn, shares what a role in Product Management is all about. In this episode, we will touch upon:
1. What is Product Management
2. What a Product Manager does through the Product Lifecycle
3. What makes Product Management a highly competitive role in Silicon Valley
4. What the best Product Managers do
5. Interesting and challenging aspects of the job
6. What to expect in Product Management interviews
7. How to prepare for interviews
8. Useful resources for interested candidates
@somendrapatel Thanks, glad you liked it! Would love to know what you were looking for that prompted you to listen to the episode? And there other things that you would've liked to learn more about?
@sonalimangal Actually I recently got a PM position in a startup and was looking for content where I can learn, How great PM's work.
As per other things I'd definitely be interested in :
1) How PM's prioritize different features?
2) How much tech expertise is necessary to become a great PM.
Thanks again :)
@somendrapatel I see - this is very helpful, thank you! And we can definitely look into getting some content around the questions you've mentioned above. Btw - it would be soooo helpful if you could leave a review for us! If you're an Apple user, then on iTunes - and if you're an Android user, then on Stitcher - It would help us a lot!! :)
Learn Educate Discover: Ariel Lee, Category Manager @CVSHealth
Learn Educate Discover: Ariel Lee, Category Manager @CVSHealth
Learn Educate Discover: Ariel Lee, Category Manager @CVSHealth
Learn Educate Discover: Ariel Lee, Category Manager @CVSHealth