Bedtime StoryBot 9000. I like it. Seriously, having a robot read me back my writing is one of THE most important writing tools I have, and having it read me articles while I work, makes the world my podcast. @larynx_app@_jacksmith@heavyinfo
Greetings Hunters & thanks Jack !
I am Abishek, CEO - Timebender Technologies a startup based in Coimbatore, India - makers behind larynxBot & other cool stuffs !
"Time is an illusion"
said Albert Einstein, having proven that Time is not a constant through his theory of relativity. Perhaps even Einstein would agree that, Time is the biggest wealth & we humans have been trying to master techniques to save Time in every activity we perform.
We at Timebender, are in constant exploration to create utilities which helps you get most of your Time.
In the current state of Internet, information is thrown at you in the rate at which you have no means to segregate between what's needed and what's not. Much of your valuable time is spent on reading content over Internet which holds no value for you. What if, some one could give you a quick preview of the content from the link which you are about to click and let you decide whether you would like to proceed further. This becomes especially useful in the case of News articles & there is no limit to the number of online articles you face each day due to the advent of social networks taking the avatar of News aggregators.
Introducing larynxBot , a platform agnostic bot which gives you voice summary for the online content on demand.
Platform agnostic ,
Be it Facebook, Twitter, Telegram (or) Slack you are covered by larynxBot, You are not forced into using a particular ecosystem just to make use of this amazing assistant who voice summarises online content for you in a jiffy. Also you can make use of your existing news aggregating platform to communicate with @larynxBot.
Twitter :
Messenger :
Telegram :
Slack :
On Facebook (Messenger) ,
You can send an article directly from the news feed Facebook mobile app as shown in the above video (or) you can communicate directly with @larynxBot
on Telegram ,
You don't want to make your friends in the group read an entire article, when you can send them a voice summary ! You can just tag along @larynxBot with an URL inline and send the message.
on Twitter,
You can just tweet to @larynxBot and get voice summary in return. Yup as simple as that !
on Slack,
You can take @larynxBot to your professional team in Slack as well, add her to your private/public channel, multi-party chat or just communicate directly through direct messaging.
Multi lingual & emoji-lingual,
What's the use of a NLP bot if it isn't multi-lingual, hence our @larynxBot can speak about 30 languages ! This means you can send her online content of your language and you'll receive back the voice summary. Since the bot is multi-lingual it's best if we keep the basic conversation with her users language agnostic , hence she uses emoji's to communicate with you - users.
And it's just not it, the extensibility of larynxBot's utility is limited only by user's imagination. By combining @larynxBot with IFTTT you make use of endless solutions to make your lifestyle better, one recipe at a time.
using IFTTT,
Say, you would like to receive a voice summary for the article you saved in the Pocket (or) get voice summary of hot products on Product Hunt (or) get voice summary of posts bookmarked on Medium - you can do all that & more by just using the recipes. So , just head over to IFFT's larynxBot page and subscribe to the created recipes. Also create recipes of your own by using any of your favourite platform supported by @larynxBot.
using larynx app,
The content generated by the @larynxBot is accessible via the larynx app installed on your Android (or) iOS device. The voice summary through the larynx app gives an immersive experience to the users and like always if you felt the need to share the original content with your own voice; you can do it via larynx app.
Of-course, one last thing to mention - Like all good things in life; larynxBot is FREE !
@vladzima Hi there, thanks for checking out larynxBot. As @larynxBot is a NLP bot we had to support different languages for the content which we voice summarise, we are supporting about 30 languages for that. But if we had to support same number of languages for conversations as well the complexity increases multifold without adding much value to the user experience. Hence we decided to keep the Bot's conversation language agnostic by using simple relatable emoji's .
Sorry that the emoji was not relatable for your taste, we'll definitely improve it. In this particular case it says 'it couldn't do it's job because of language'. We are checking what exactly happened with your case.
@heavyinfo I'm not really sure what it has to do with my taste, it's just bad UX, the error is unclear and it's therefore a bad practice in general. Go on and test this combination on average people. They would probably say "there's some error with text involved" because it's what it tells and nothing more. The other question is why the bot can't process Russian while there's a Russian word on your homepage, which should state that you can work with it I suppose.
@vladzima Yes, larynxBot supports Russian. We just used a russian article from on @larynxBot - and can confirm that Russian language support works. Our language detection algorithm failed on the link which you sent, we are working on a fix. Thanks for your help in identifying it. Much appreciated.
Hustle X
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