Kiki Schirr - Find the right tech job for you


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I'd like to offer new employers who find us through Product Hunt a 10% discount on any of our product plans. More info here:
Hello Product Hunters! I'm Pedro Oliveira co-founder @ The team and I are incredibly excited to have been hunted today. We'll be available all day to answer any comments you have. In the meantime, let me tell you what we have built and our aim. We're building a tech recruitment marketplace dedicated to matchmaking top tech professionals with curated job offers from top employers. Our aim is to treat our members like people, and not just another number on a database. You'll always hear back from us, and you'll always get honest feedback. Behind the scenes, our team is an international bunch of developers, designers, technologists and hiring specialists in Lisbon, London and Barcelona. Our main focus - for now - is tech roles within Europe :) We like to see ourselves as a no-spam (for both employers and tech pro's), pro-transparency and full-stack support product, and I hope that one day we'll be able to help all digital pro's better manage their careers.
Kiki Schirr
Finding a job online is a little broken--anyone in tech with a LinkedIn account can tell you tales of being spammed by mismatching recruiters. seems like it has a good chance to fix the system.
@kikischirr thanks for ​*hunting*​ - our team back in good ol' Lisbon and London is ultra proud :) hope the weather is better over there in Tampa!
Kiki Schirr
@pcbo @kikischirr It's November, and I'm still wearing flip-flops! (I'm originally from Up North, so this is amazing!) looks great, I'm not surprised you're doing so well. :D
@kikischirr ahah, that's so great :) we've got a great Hunter - that's all of our luck today!
@kikischirr almost at 1k upvotes, wow.
João Oliveira
Hi Pedro. What's it like to have such an iconic pornstache on your team (and product) proudy worn by your awesome head of Marketing @carrozo?
@joao_oliveira Many thanks. It's the kind of moustache that says, "sure, I've been naked on camera before, what of it?"
@joao_oliveira @carrozo is our constant Movember element on the team, prostate cancer is a thing you know...
@pcbo @joao_oliveira there's a Medium post in here somewhere about iconic pornstaches and personal branding in the early 21st Century. Watch out @ev.
Miguel Mendes
Already use it :) We at @tradiio love it!
@miguelmendes love you back too :) You guys are making a dent in the music industry!
Laszlo Levente Mári
Maybe I am wrong but I haven't found a word about this on TechCrunch but you include an 'as seen on' part. This seems suspicious
André Oliveira
@noxowe they were previously called Jobbox. Here's an article in which they were mentioned:
@noxowe Thanks for pointing this out, dude! We added a link earlier today from the homepage and I left a comment on the original article just in case it wasn't clear! :D
@noxowe Oh, and what do you think otherwise? Be good to hear your thoughts! :)
Elisa Jo Harkness
I'd be interested in seeing a sample profile - I think the biggest problem with LinkedIn is the strictures it places on professional experience. Are you guys giving technical job seekers a better way to present themselves, their skills, and their interests?
Tiago Moreiras
@eliservescent thanks for asking. We totally agree with what your saying and we believe that's the way to go. LinkedIn clearly is a very structured approach to your CV and it tends to be a experienced driven profile and not so much of an "achievements" driven one, which could be much more revealing! For now, being totally honest, we are a bit far from a professional network such as LinkedIn, hence all your information is private and confidential. No "public profile". Only when you apply to a job offer, is the company able to search your CV and LinkedIn, if you provide one. Also, we can leverage all your info to match make you with interesting offers. Something fairly recent but that we think could be really important to save you a lot of work! We have some major plans for opt-in public profiles in future; to start exploring more how we could help tech pros present themselves to an employer, and how all those amazing achievements that they tend to undervalue. How to present that in a visual and more appealing way instead of a restaurant buffet of job on job on job on... you get the picture. We're really a candidate-driven marketplace. So more than the profile itself, we aim to be your Hollywood Movie-star manager. Helping candidates understand the market and their pains. That's the vision! And we'll get there! Would love to pick your brains about this topic. Let me know if we can book a call.
Elisa Jo Harkness
@tiagomoreiras @eliservescent for sure - shoot me an email ( @bentossell, this is a great use case for expanding DM capabilities (;
Tiago Moreiras
@eliservescent I've dropped you a line :) Let's jump on a call! #feedback!
Dan Fennessy
I recently came across and started using Landing Jobs (thanks @Bo_irik) after struggling to find local quality tech talent in Amsterdam. I like that Landing Jobs schedules calls with you, not only to find out the skills of tech talent you are looking to hire, but also what sort of personal values and cultural fit you're looking for. They then screen applicants first and only pass on the ones that really match. That personal approach is what sets it apart for me and why I think they will be successful. We've only been sent 2 applicants so far - but both are quality and a good match culturally for our team. Keep up the good work guys!
@dan_fennessy ^ this is so awesome - thanks for reaching out & really proud of @bo_irik and @Krisikris1503 :)
Amit Sonawane
We at @feedzai love the folks over at @pcbo and his team are doing some great things!
@amitsonawane thank you and we love you back :) so much more coming — actually, we just shipped this new blog post regarding some cool new features: !
@amitsonawane and we love Feedzai! Especially when they helped us launch the first sardine into space this summer! (Yes, we're a little bit mad @ see video above)
Paul Kemp
The old fashioned recruiting model is changing. appears to be disrupting the candidate and employer experience whilst doing this in a fun way. It's so cool to be working in tech nowadays. Congratulations on being hunted...
@paul_s_kemp our vision is to turn the whole recruitment experience into a pleasant and rewarding one instead of just trying to remove the pain out of it.
João Gonçalves
@weareredlight is also a proud user of 😊
@jpmgoncalves very cool AMA (Ask Me Anything) you did a while ago Joao, shows that you're one-level up in terms of company transparency :)
@pcbo @jpmgoncalves yup! Our very first! :D (Anyone else up for one?)
Kartik Mandaville
Nicely done. I launched SpringRole a while back. Similar concept but more on the referral side with the recommendations. I noticed you ask for 1st degree connections through LinkedIn - what do you with the data?
Tiago Moreiras
@kar2905 thanks for the feedback! :) We actually started also on the referral side way back when was but eventually it became more of bottleneck as it was preventing our users from landing their dream job (block on the road) We did use 1st degree connections in the past just to Auto Complete your friends' name and e-mail to make it easier to search for the person you wanted to refer. Nowadays is more of a legacy feature that we'll be killing in the near future given the newly found LinkedIn API restrictions. It is still something we really want to explore more in the future as the power of referrals is undoubtedly very interesting, but only when used properly.
Kartik Mandaville
@tiagomoreiras @kar2905 We came to the same conclusions and introduced direct application. LinkedIn is really dialing back on their API - what do you think about their new employee referrals tool?
Tiago Moreiras
@kar2905 Sounds really cool, being honest. Looking forward to explore it a bit more and understand how could we target something similar. We truly believe there's potential there, but for a very specific niche of "professional referrers" that could be doing that almost as a career and not as the occasional referrer without second agendas. Regardless of the method, referrals need to contain much more than a name, they need to have profiles associated (both from the candidate and the referrer), they need background checks, factual information, referral contacts. A professional referrer goes all the way to facilitate the work of the hiring manager, they are proto head hunters!
Tiago Moreiras
@kar2905 Uber Hiring Manager! Like :) Do your interviews on the go :P (just kidding)
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@tiagomoreiras @kar2905 Professional referrers are a cool idea. I help a lot of people out who are on the market. Hard to draw the line when hiring managers call for candidates. #notmymaingig
Paul M Boyce
COOL!!! you can't beat personal referrals, so good on for making that easier for everyone involved! p.s. I found you on Techcrunch in an article by @mikebutcher here >>
@paulmboyce thanks Paul :) @PopcornMetrics is also making everyone's life easier when it comes down to analytics... :D
Hey folks, this has been a lovely surreal day for all of us @! So proud to have made the grade with you guys and gals! As you may have seen above, we've done a couple of videos in the past few months you might also want to take a look at! Here's our brand video, called "Aim for more." when we relaunched as (
) and here's a video pulled together when we did the #LandingFestival back in June this year, bringing together over 600 top tech pros with 30 top tech employers from all across Europe in a marina, on a sailboat, and yes, I launched the first grilled sardine into space. Because science. (
). Thanks again for all the love! :D
@carrozo epic moments, epic moments...
Özgür Celebi
@pcbo Congrats to you and your team. Would love to see a section, where self taught programmers get a chance to present them self better. I personally do not have a degree or work experience. I would prefer not to be on bottom of the food chain.
@tristancelebi you can always make a top-notch presentation of yourself on your profile, however that's awesome feedback — maybe we could have a *check* on the profile for self-taught tech pro's :)
Just wanted to give a huge props to the work-hard, play-hard, work-hard-some-more team behind @Landing_jobs: @tiagomoreiras @carrozo @davidbentor @JoseVicPaiva @pedromoreira @ftpaulone @Bo_irik @GioviJoana and all others (sorry for not tagging everyone - you know I love you), see all their beautiful faces here: !
Love the way the product looks from what I've seen.
@seanbolak thanks Sean, any feedback please let us know!! :)
@seanbolak thanks man. You can thank @tiagomoreiras and his fine team for all their hard work over the past 9 months! They've got so much more up their sleeves. :)
Pedro Vieira
I've been following these guys work for some time now and they've done an amazing job. You should give Landing.Jobs a try, you won't be disappointed 😉
Oh, this might have got lost in the noise today, but what you see before you is a big "2.0" release packed full of new features that you can read about here: And here's more of the story about the process that allowed all that great stuff to be shipped recently:
In the product itself -- I think the box - "Be human and tell us why you fit this job" needs to be clearly called out as what you will be using to gauge interest and motivation from the application. It comes off as being a box that requires something clever to be written to catch recruiter's eyes. But otherwise, awesome!
@vrashabh thanks for your feedback! It definitely needs a copy revision — actually that phrase was originially coined by me :D Btw, how would you put it?