I’m what people would call a productivity nerd.
One thing that hasn’t been satisfactory up to now is the logic between my calendar and my tasks. They are separate entities … even though I only have 24 hours in a day to jump on Zoom calls and do as many tasks as possible.
The end result: I jump on the calls, sure, but tasks are left behind. Not good.
Here’s where KosmoTime made a big difference for me: I can have both on a continuous timeline
Been leveraging KosmoTime as an early user for the pas couple few months and it has really improved how I organize my day, enabled me to tackle the right priorities in between the calls!
Hi 👋
We're excited to launch the calendar of the future. Thank you @guillaumecabane for the hunt!
We created KosmoTime to solve our own problem: I'm co-founder & CEO of Chili Piper, a SaaS company with 165 employees recently valued at half a billion, and I have tasks constantly falling on my plate.
My to-do list kept growing out of control, until I realized that there was only one solution: block time in my calendar for my tasks, so that they get priority over meetings and emails.
Then we discovered something even better: create a "focus block" in my calendar, to work on related tasks in one batch.
That sound simple, but there's a problem: habits die hard. We're all used to Gcal or Outlook, we're all used to our own way to keep track of tasks, so providing a calendar x task experience amazing enough to replace these habits was a big challenge.
We created a first version a few months back (launched on PH of course) and started listening.
After months of users’ feedback collection, brainstorming, development and testing, here’s the new version of KosmoTime: the Smart Calendar for Time Blocking & Focused Work.
I hope you'll love it as much as I and our few hundreds beta users love it!
Thank you to this amazing community!
Co-founder and CEO of KosmoTime
@guillaumecabane@nicolas_gipsybot This looks really interesting, and i wondered if it would work with ClickUp, the majority of my scheduling works through that, and I'd love to be able to leverage the Kosmo features alongside that. To be able to block certain times and stay focused, but still be able to change the status of tasks that I've got in ClickUp would be revolutionary.
@alberduris@nicolas_gipsybot Personally, I use todoist as a dumping ground eg their integration with third party email clients to create tasks etc. It's like a large inbox.
@nicolas_gipsybot Because Todoist is the most superior todo-list app in the market (for my needs at least). It has a lot of amazing features than the competence in general and Kosmo in particular lacks (filters, great project management, subprojects, tasks with subtasks, full freedom in sections, shortcuts and hotkeys, inbox...). It's really difficult to compete with Todoist as a todo-list app. However, Kosmo is superior in terms of time managing for doing those tasks, and that's why I use Kosmo. The Focus mode, specifically. Indeed, I only use Kosmo for three things; i) The focus mode for tracking time, ii) the mute mode for helping me with distractions (it is the better mute mode out there), and iii) for comparing in the calendar how the planned time-blocking (done in Calendar) matches the real time-blocking (i.e., if I have blocked from 10:00am to 12:00pm a given task and finally I've been working from 10:25am to 12:47pm it's nice to see it because it aids with the improvement of my estimations).
@alberduris Thanks for this detailed feedback. It's true that we're focused on getting things done, hence we hesitate adding features like subprojects and subtasks. Maybe you're right, we should integrate with Todoist. We'll look into it. Thanks again for your feedback!
Without a doubt, this is the best to-do list / calendar manager out there. It's really the first one that has integrated timeboxing effectively and the concept of focus blocks. The Asana integration is so perfect for staying on track with my teams and overall it just fits my life very well.
I am a huge fan of the product and I can't wait to see where they go with it. It's the best thing on the market that I've found and they're barely getting started!
PS - Fingers crossed for a Notion integration one day!
@dexy42 Thank you Andrew for your nice review and huge support! 🙏 That's great to hear! I'm happy to count you as one of our users, and to see how time blocking does wonders for you too. And promised, more cool integrations like the Asana one are coming real soon 😉 Stay tuned!
@dexy42 You've been super helpful to help us build this product. Thank you very much for all the call you've agreed to do with me and all the feedback you gave us in our slack workspace.
I have been using KosmoTime for over a year and it's wonderful. It has changed my life for good, has made me more productive, and has blessed me with clarity! Great Design and yes they have aced the To-Do List.
I used to love Microsoft's To Do, but I shifted over to KosmoTime and I do not regret it. Absolutely recommended.
There are a ton of competing priorities when you are in sales-- internal meetings, client meetings, prep for client meetings, prospecting efforts, email writing for prospecting, follow up, building business cases... the list goes on and on.
KosmoTime is the first tool that has helped me block and tackle my day. I can hold myself accountable to my daily tasks and plan those tasks directly in my Google Calendar. I love receiving the morning email that tells me if my day was productive or not with the amount of associated tasks completed the day before and a fun gif.
I can't wait to see what KosmoTime does next, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an iOS app for task management on the go. Keep doing good things KosmoTeam!
@kora_graham Hi Kora! Very happy to see you here! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with KosmoTime, we really appreciate it 🤩 And I think you've just convinced anyone working in Sales to try it out 😊
@alinutzav You might be biased biased but you've also helped us a lot build this product. Thanks again for your support and all the feedback you gave us.
Ever since I got into a management role, I am always busy whether it be doing tasks on the fly or contributing to projects whenever I "get a chance" which can happen sporadically throughout the day. In addition to "putting out fires" and answering questions giving feedback to my team.
Most times, I leave my desk having to go through and try to recall what I even accomplished that day.
In the past I'd do the old fashion pen and paper to do list. Now with KosmoTime I can see everything I need to complete, docs are easily accessible from the calendar block AND may favorite part is seeing the tasks turn into green checks on my calendar when completed.
It's not just task management, it's task completion visibility. You also get a fun little email the next day congratulating you on your productivity with a funny gif.
@amanda_bagley very good point, we didn't mention it in the video, but indeed seeing these green checks for task completed in gcal and outlook is very satisfying!
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