Thomas C.

Knocker - Find local businesses without a website, in minutes


Knocker is the first online tool that automates finding local businesses that need a website, in minutes and globally. Knocker aims at bridging the gap between digital agencies and local businesses that have not a good online presence yet.

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Thomas C.
Hello Product Hunt! I am happy to introduce you today my little baby, Knocker. It is literally the first tool on the market that automates finding local businesses (it supports 50 different business types for now) without a website anywhere and in minutes. It is already useful for digital agencies and remote freelancers to get their leads! I had this idea while working from a coworking in Bali, when I saw this board where developers and marketers could stick a post stating they were looking for a project. I realized at the same time there were plenty of job opportunities right across the street, with these dozens of coffee shops, restaurants, spa or bars that only had an Instagram or Facebook page to be visible online. I strongly believe this is a matter of survival - even more now with the current crisis - for local businesses to be well visible online, with a branded and self-owned website. Knocker is using top popular Places and Map APIs to access updated business data, then it automates web searches, social media pages discovery, and several other filterings to provide relevant results. Thank you all in advance for your support! If you're interested in checking out Knocker for free - please sign up at !