Hi everyone!
I'm Antonio, a designer at Kite, and I'm excited to share with you what we've been working on!
Kite is a heads up display (HUD) for programmers that surfaces proven engineering knowledge in a live internet connected environment helping developers write better code, faster. Kite is the first tool to offer a connected way to program; it is integrated with text editors and it uses type inference to reveal examples as programmers type without having to leave the screen for a web browser.
We hope you get a chance to check out Kite - we're all very excited about it. The team will be hanging out here for a while and will try to answer questions, and you can also ping us at feedback@kite.com!
P.S.: We have a limited number of invites we can support now. We'll send an invite to the first 50 people that leave a comment asking for an invite on the thread! You can also sign up at http://kite.com/#signup !
@antonio_bustamante@kite Just found this through another source and went to Hunt it and saw it already was! Looks really cool and as a freelance developer, I am excited to try it with a number of languages. I use a few different IDE's as well so it will be nice to have this across all. How can I get in on the private beta?!?!?! I signed up on your site
Signed up! Can't wait to try this out. Looks really slick! I can see it being extremely useful for users just starting out their programming careers, but even as an experienced dev, I see this being extremely useful. Especially in hunting down those tiny syntax errors that can drive us crazy for hours!
@dnuzum Totally! We started working on Kite because we were tired of spending so much time looking for information on the Internet, rather than actually focus on coding. Sometimes the smallest syntax error can lead you to mysterious paths in Google, with 50 tabs and broken pieces of code. This is our grain of sand trying to fix that :)
@antonio_bustamante Also, if it wasn't clear, I signed up on the site and here hoping for an invite in the first batch. When will these get handed out? :p
@antonio_bustamante: signed up yesterday, but I'm so excited to try it out that I have to ask for an invite here again 😉 is there one left? Would really appreciate it
One of the best explainer videos I've seen! I love the idea and can't wait to try it.
Will Kite support online text editors like C9.io and also Adobe Brackets? As I do most of my work on them, it would be great to use Kite with them.
@eriktorenberg Thank you!! One day, Adam realized we, as programmers, were spending countless hours just searching for information on the Internet instead of coding, which made us less productive. Honestly, also a bit frustrated. Adam and the rest of the team have been working really hard for the last 2 years to make a product that will bridge the gap between coding skills and knowledge.
The metaphor I use sometimes to explain how important this is to us is: imagine thousands of very skilled developers working in these tiny caves, with just a tiny blurry window where they can see outside. That's how it's been for years. We want all programmers share and recycle knowledge in a much easier way :)
@antonio_bustamante@eriktorenberg Wow, your idea is simple but soooo useful and none never think about the time that developers spent to find the right codes!! Kite will save a lot of precius time to developers! And congrats for the user interface, it looks perfect!
And what about the name and the logo?
Can't wait to try Kite!
@antonio_bustamante@kite Are you planning to charge for this after it officially launches? I feel there'll be a strong calling in the community to open source this.
I've been using Dash especially when I don't have internet. Is there something planned for offline usage? Kite seem to be so much more convenient though. I would pay to use this!
Nice, it would be great if this would also work with Xcode or Android Studio. I guess it would be able to show the readme page or usage of github hosted libraries. I hate jumping in the browser all the time and searching on github how should I use a library.
@vfdraganescu Agreed! We plan to ramp up support for different languages and code editors, and we definitely plan to support Xcode and Android Studio.
We hate jumping between browser and editor too!
Definitely interested in seeing how this can improve my workflow when working. I won't have anymore excuses for jumping back to my browser and wasting time.
@alaouisolaimani Thank you! It's actually not taken from Hunter X Hunter, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was subliminally in our minds this whole time!
@antonio_bustamante This really is cool! Now I can save my hours from Googling and do some more productive works. As an iOS developer I'd really love to see a support coming for Xcode. BTW, am I too late to be included in the list of beta testers?
Triple upvote!. l love it so much. I had an idea awhile back that would auto find similar code on GitHub as you typed in sublime text. This is even better
Great stuff @antonio_bustamante do you guys intend on opening up to 3rd party services/libraries/apis to write their own content? I would totally do this :)