Nick Abouzeid

Kite - Write JavaScript faster using deep learning


Kite released JavaScript completions today featuring Multi-Line Completions for boilerplate code. It’s powered by a deep learning model trained on over 22 million .js files. Kite is free and works with the top IDEs.

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Adam Smith
Hey Product Hunters, Thanks @nickabouzeid for the hunt! Today we’re launching JavaScript completions as a free feature of Kite. We have only supported Python for the past four years, so we’re excited to announce JavaScript as our first “language expansion pack” for users. :) We’re looking forward to getting to know more folks in the JavaScript community and hearing your feedback! I started Kite because I realized I spent too much time on repetitive work like copying and pasting from StackOverflow, fixing simple errors, and writing boilerplate code. JavaScript is a prime candidate for applying ML to automate away the tedious parts of coding. Let’s face it: we all have a love-hate relationship with its style and quirks. As powerful as JavaScript can be for web development, its boilerplate code and ever-changing design patterns can be exhausting to type out again and again. We’ve poured thousands of engineering hours into a deep learning model that can complete up to a few lines of JavaScript at a time for you. Our product easily cuts your keystrokes in half while coding, not to mention saving you from typos and syntax errors. We hope this helps make your time coding with JavaScript more enjoyable and productive. Kite works with your favorite libraries and frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, and Node.js. Try Kite for Free ➡ As always, Kite is free to download and use. Install and start coding minutes. ➡ We also offer a paid plan, called Kite Pro, that features our latest Python completions model. More info here: If you’re one of the 250,000 users who already use Kite (thank you for your support!), you now have these features via auto-update. Product Hunt has always been an invaluable source of feedback for us since we launched on it years ago. We're really looking forward to your feedback. I'll be here all day to answer questions. You can learn more about this release on our blog:
Jason Barry
@asmith Been waiting for this!! :D on your site it says "Kite runs locally. Your code is private." Can you expand on this? No data is transmitted to a remote server?
Adam Smith
@jasonbarry Hi Jason, thanks for the question. We never send your code or artifacts resembling it to a remote server. We do send usage stats (which you can opt out of) and check for updates periodically. We have a Privacy page that outlines this in more detail here:
Salil Sethi
This is super interesting. The project needs to be voted much higher than it is currently.
Erick Barron
Kite is a very useful tool, specially for beginners. It works great with a tablet next to you.
Valerie Markgraf
Really helpfull app. It would be so cool If you shared with us the process of launching and developing of the product because It looks very useful and interesting. Maybe such articles already exist?
Patrick Lung
@valerie_markgraf Our blog post announcing JavaScript completions can be found here:
Muhammad Sadaqat
It's very good this will be made my work very easy
Christopher Ernst
It sounds absolutely amazing! I haven't coded in a while, but next time I do, I will give kite a trie
Warren Day
Does the autocomplete continuously scan the written code to improve accuracy over time on a given project? and does this data then get shared back into the global dataset?
Patrick Lung
@warren_day Kite uses nearby code to predict completions, but does not store that data to learn about a project over time. Since Kite works 100% locally, we never send your code or artifacts resembling it to a remote server. We do send usage stats (which you can opt out of) and check for updates periodically. We have a Privacy page that outlines this in more detail here:
Peter N
Question - how often and does your snippet database update and how do you get the data to update it? You don't use user code, but do you have other methods maybe? (Crawling github for example) This can solve the long term problem of snippets in IDEs - they don't update and you need to remember the shortkeys to use them, nice.
Caelan Urquhart
@pinter69 Hi Peter, good question. We update our training data regularly using code from high-quality open-source projects on Github. For our JavaScript model, we were able to source over 22 million JavaScript code files for model training. Besides that, Kite also indexes your code once it is installed so that it can provide localized completions based on your code base, like classes and variables that you've uniquely defined yourself.
Artem Golovin
Awesome thingy! What is the difference between Kite and which supports all languages?
Pravin Uttarwar
Tried my hands on it recently. Have loved it till now. I am going to make my developers use it in our next project and see how it works out.