Julie Chabin

Kin Calendar - The simple and connected calendar


Kin Calendar is the simple and connected calendar

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Hi everyone, Just to let you know that we guarantee an invite in the next 48hrs for people who sign up through ProductHunt πŸš€ 😍
Ben Tossell
@troblous Couple of things to point out... haha, cheeky: Think you need to extend this block more than 2 hours today πŸ˜›
@bentossell πŸ˜…
Mike Orren
@troblous Is that seen just through the referrer link?
@mikeorren Referrer + query string by PH πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Jordan Finnigan
@troblous Any plans for integration w/ Fastmail.fm?
Julie Chabin
Hey there! Are you crying because Sunrise is living its last hours? I know I do. These guys have been working on a replacement for Sunrise and, even if there is still work to do, their calendar is already working very nicely.
@syswarren Thanks a lot Julie for your hunt 🐐🐐🐐
I've been testing quite a few calendars since Sunrise announced that they would be closing. Kin is still pretty young but I like the direction it's going. Take my upvote, and count me in to use it. TL;DR: definitely Sunrise's next of Kin :)
@lucascerdan Thanks Lucas for all your feedback during the first weeks of work when things were just starting 😍
Andrew Mutavdzija
@lucascerdan Signed up, excited to try. Any essential features adopted from Sunrise? Any distinguishing ones?
@andym_dc @lucascerdan Essential: multi-accounts for Google and integrations: Facebook/Eventbrite/Meetup/Github/Trello. The distinguishing ones will come later πŸ˜‰
Matthieu de Luze
Congrats πŸ™Œ It's the best replacement to Sunrise that I've tested πŸ‘ Can't wait to test the app, keep on improving it guys πŸ‘Œ
@matthieudeluze PH France πŸš€
DontΓ© Ledbetter
"The sun will rise again." I thought it was a movie intro for a sec. Looking good!
@donte_ll πŸ˜‚ We should have made a trailer
Tom Howard
I've been freaking out for several months because I couldn't find a suitable calendar replacement for Sunrise. When I found Kin about 2 weeks ago, I finally felt relieved that someone was stepping up to fill the large hole in my life that Sunrise is leaving behind! It's not up to the par that Sunrise set quite yet, but they have a very solid start and are improving on it rapidly, so I'm sure they will get there in the coming months.
@thomas_howard1 ...and we aim to continue improving it rapidly πŸš€
James Wahba
One of my favorite features that sunrise had was the calendar keyboard and the ability to past a link for the times that I was available. Is there any chance this could be on Kin's road map?
@jameswahba It's a tricky feature that is in our "Ideas" backlog on our public roadmap: https://trello.com/b/RXCPcX7U/ki... Depending on the votes, we'll put some resources to work on it in the future.
Zac Davies
Any plans for an accompanying iPhone app?
@zacdavies The iPhone app is in private beta right now, we aim to release a more public beta very soon. It'll be announced by email so that we can add people on testflight πŸ‘πŸΌ
Edouard Theron
Great job, simpe idea but solving a real need: "what the hell am i supposed to do when Microsfot shut down my favorite calendar app?" Keep moving!
@edtheron We loved Sunrise, we were early users. When Microsoft announced that they would shut down, we tried other calendar apps...and didn't find THE one. So we're building it.
Steven Hambleton
@troblous How long did it take to build and what challenges have you found on the way? Also how did you find early adopters (I hadn't heard of you before now!)?
@stinhambo @troblous 3 months with lots and lots of challenges. On the technical side: working on the integrations, building an API without relying on some of the frameworks that powers pretty much all others calendar apps (which "limits" them in a specific way of doing calendaring).
Steven Hambleton
@zowesiouff That sounds like a tasty discussion! Do you mean 3rd party calendar API providers? @troblous
@stinhambo A quick example: EventKit on iOS, if you build your app around it, you're basically limited to supporting what the stock Calendar.app supports (on top of being platform-locked to iOS / macOS) As for 3rd party calendar API providers (the likes of Google Calendar, Office365, or even the ones we "consider" as such even though they are not: Trello, Wunderlist etc ...), you're very quickly limited by their abilities: that API doesn't support push? well I guess your app will not and will poll and drain your users' battery, If you have a layer of indirection between the 3rd parties and your users, you can poll on that layer and push to your users, yes it's not gonna be instant push (you're still polling somewhere) but at least you reduce the pain for your end users (no more battery drain, no more insane bandwidth usage)
Kumar Thangudu
The reality of calendars is that we should stop looking at calendars, period. The technology exists to make this possible. Meekan.com exists for a reason. When I want to meet with someone, it should be 2 or 3 clicks, and all the contextual details of my calendar should be "o-authed" in and the system should automatically prepare my phone call, skype call, or whatever without me ever having to look at an actual calendar or type in a pesky pin number. SMS would be the best channel to manage all of this and the early adopter group should be encouraged to have ridiculously detailed calendar events with location/etc... recorded.
@datarade That's the future :)
Andrew Mutavdzija
@datarade Sure, except no. Please no more SMS nothingness. More importantly, many people are visual learners/perceivers/etc. Looking at a visual representation of my day allows me to see a visual representation of my day. That's a good thing.
Austin Sandmeyer
It's a clear time for Sunrise alternatives... 2 TODAY (at least). There will definitely be a showdown. But nevertheless, I'm a big fan of Kin. I look forward to what it will be in the future. After using it for a little while, there are a lot of rough edges to work out. But nevertheless a put together product.
@as_austin Thanks Austin. Rough edges are part of the beta, we'll do everything we can to remove them πŸ˜‰
Ouriel Ohayon
no mobile?
@ourielohayon iOS is in private beta, the public one is coming soon (you'll be notified by email). For Android, you'll have to wait a bit until this fall πŸ‘πŸΌ
Olivier Plante
@troblous @ourielohayon let's talk Yann - could be handy to partner with you guys :) - ping me on olivier (dot) plante (at) thingthing (dot) co
@oplante Sure πŸ‘πŸΌ
Sebastian Klett
CanΒ΄t wait to try this one ! The open Roadmap on Trello is a great idea and is something more products should do !
@stinhambo @klettseb @dcancel Hi Steven, we're curious to know why you disagree on this. Can you share your opinion?
Steven Hambleton
@troblous David Cancel is a very customer driven person and believes that roadmap shouldn't be published as that follows a product driven belief. I think I got that right? @dcancel
Alan Nichol
two things I miss desperately in non-Sunrise calendars: 1. being able to invite people through a link. Most of my intros go over FB Messenger these days and it's annoying asking people for their emails. 2. When I searched for people to invite to an event in Sunrise, it always magically found them. No idea where they were grabbing all those contacts from but it always worked.
@alanmnichol 1. The Meet feature was awesome, we'll see if in the mid-term we can implement it. 2. Invitees autocomplete will definitely come to Kin
Alan Nichol
@troblous wasn't just normal autocomplete - seemed to pull contacts in from *everywhere*, almost to the point of creepiness. Probably because I had multiple gmail accounts + contacts linked.
David Braun
This is a godsend. I too have been freaking out about sunrise being ripped from our lives, and haven't found anything that comes close, until today. Thank you @trobous and the whole Kin Team!!
David Braun
@trobous what are the next major milestones on your roadmap? when will an accompanying iOS app follow?
@davbrau Next milestone is the iOS app. For the rest, it's on our public roadmap and it'll depend on the votes: https://trello.com/b/RXCPcX7U/ki... πŸš€
Ming Yin
😭 I bought Fantastical 2 as I couldn't find a replacement of Sunrise! Kin looks promising
Ming Yin
@bencksphoto ya, it's a little bit too business style and the UI has too many distractions. Most importantly, it doesn't support connections with Trello, Asana and many other management tools.
Josh Fingold
@troblous Will this sync outlook/exchange categories (colors)?
@jf181 @troblous Kin is using your outlook colors for each category yes ;)
Joshua Galan
I requested an invite twice (regular link and PH) and still haven't received an invite :'(
@muygalan Hi Joshua, we're sending as many invites as possible at the moment πŸš€ To be honest, this PH launch has been way crazier than we thought. We're catching up as fast as we can πŸ˜…
@marielchandra @muygalan We already sent a couple thousand invites and are still sending others as we still have thousand of people waiting like you πŸš€ We really are doing everything we can.
Alexandre Mouriec
I am so happy to see Kin Calendar on Product Hunt.πŸŽ‰ @troblous shared it with the Remotive Slack Community 2 months ago and I am using it since. As a Sunrise user, I was so sad when I heard of the shutdown. When I stopped using Sunrise Calendar, I used less and less my calendar. Now with Kin, I am finding what I loved about Sunrise. Yes It's not perfect and there are lots of work to do but I am sure Kin is the best calendar app you can choose if you want a good calendar app to be productive.
@mrcalexandre Thanks Alexandre πŸŽ‰
Chez Ackerman
Invite requested. Is there any kind of API if an outside app wanted to integrate in?
@chezacke There is an API but it's still far from being publicly documented [0]. It has been mostly stable for the last couple of weeks and someone really into it could already start building stuff with it. That said, we're still miles behind some of the APIs we've had the joy to play with while connecting Kin: shootout to Github's, Todoist's and even Google Calendar's which are honestly some of the best APIs I've seen out there. [0] I've added an item on our public roadmap to gauge interest https://trello.com/c/mACZhsCR/38...