Dwarf-size newsletter with viral marketing case studies
Brainiac — Database of 150 cognitive biases that control our decisions
Brainiac is a database of 150 cognitive biases, principles & models.
Every single bias includes a sketch, description, possible applications and more
Michael Holz
This has already proven its value to me. Great job.
William M. Ballance
@will_allred given our background building psych-tech, I think you'll enjoy this.
Artashes Vardanyan
this is cool. like a small summary for non behavioral scientists in simple words.
Marco Gurnari
Wow, amazing product. It's like Cialdini's books with super powers
@marcogurnari That's what I was aiming for! Thanks!
Narek Vardanyan
@michal_kankowski always wanted to put something like this, so you saved a lot of my time... looks cool :)
@michal_kankowski @narek_vardanyan That was my goal - at first I wanted to do it for myself. If it serves other as well, I'm happy!
Russ Traeger
Take a look
Chris Dancy
Without looking I KNEW this was going to be in Airtable
@chrisdancy1 yea... airtable has become quite popular recently
David Antila
When will the content be live?
@davidantila1 It is live. In the first email you receive your access to all content
Laura Nagyová
Cool product. it is always nice to have reminder about cognitives biases.
Larren Peart
how do i contact the seller? paid for it but didn't get the second email.
@larren_peart salut@kickstartsidehustle.com Please let me know what email did you use during the buying process. In 30 minutes I'm be unavailable for another 2 days. This is an urgent situation (proposing to my girlfriend). After that I'll try to fix your problem ASAP
Opher Brayer
I payed for this product and never got the access
Bogdan Ionita
This is so cool, Mike!
I am craving to use this product
Hey Everyone! I'm Michal, and this is Brainiac. I've got into marketing because it was closely connected to psychology, For the last 6 months I've been developing a paid new newsletter, showcasing viral marketing case studies, where I showed the strategies, tools and psychology behind every virality. People really loved the psychology part, that's how I got inspired and created this list. Every single bias includes: - a sketch, - short description, - long description, - possible application ~3 - real life examples - category - impact (1-5) - action (most influential/ implement today). PROMO CODE for 20% off for the next 3 days is "phphph" I hope you'll find it useful! Michal
@michal_kankowski @prajwal_suhas_p1 at the checkout there should be a "discount code" option - just added this field. Forgot about it erlier
@michal_kankowski @vladojsem After collecting all of those biases, I've found much more aware of my own and other people actions - which is bonkers! I went to a party and could see the patterns everywhere. It was both sad and satisfying at the same time. Sad, because I realised something very crucial about humans - that we're all both exactatly the same and different at the same time. Anyway... that's the theme for another talk
Nat Lev
@michal_kankowski missed the 3 day promo, any chance I can get seconds? Pretty please? Product looks awesome!
Gabija Visockyte
Looks really cool!
Waqar Khan
Unreachable website
@waqarkh4n Have checked several times now, and seems everything works. Could you email me at salut@kickstartsidehustle.com
@waqarkh4n I might change to a lighter server, but it will take a 2~ months or so
Ottomatias Peura
I'm biased to try this out!
Ryan Hoover
I'm into this stuff. My favorite page on Wikipedia: List of cognitive biases
@rrhoover Oh shit, it's you! Anyway, ye, I have this page bookmarked for a year or 2 now. This is also another bible from this topic: https://busterbenson.com/piles/c... And thank you for the Hooked, book! This one had a great influence on me as well