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Hey Everyone!
I'm Michal, and this is Brainiac.
I've got into marketing because it was closely connected to psychology,
For the last 6 months I've been developing a paid new newsletter, showcasing viral marketing case studies, where I showed the strategies, tools and psychology behind every virality.
People really loved the psychology part, that's how I got inspired and created this list.
Every single bias includes:
- a sketch,
- short description,
- long description,
- possible application ~3
- real life examples
- category
- impact (1-5)
- action (most influential/ implement today).
PROMO CODE for 20% off for the next 3 days is "phphph"
I hope you'll find it useful!
@michal_kankowski@vladojsem After collecting all of those biases, I've found much more aware of my own and other people actions - which is bonkers!
I went to a party and could see the patterns everywhere. It was both sad and satisfying at the same time. Sad, because I realised something very crucial about humans - that we're all both exactatly the same and different at the same time.
Anyway... that's the theme for another talk
@rrhoover Oh shit, it's you!
Anyway, ye, I have this page bookmarked for a year or 2 now.
This is also another bible from this topic: https://busterbenson.com/piles/c...
And thank you for the Hooked, book! This one had a great influence on me as well