If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to know what you want first. The best way to prevent yourself from drifting through life is to set goals that are meaningful to you.
@new_user_301ca1d30a Really appreciate that feedback. I do hope that it can help people and introduce some people to a different way of thinking about their lives. I will continue to work on this as I get feedback from people. I feel that there is a lot of room for improvement.
I spend a lot of time thinking about how to help people achieve their life goals and this free app is a step-by-step guide using the best techniques that I've found.
I really like how you start from the "desired outcome" (i.e. obituary writing) and then work backwards to create a plan. 👏 We should be taking this type of rigor in planning out our long-term goals that we do in our short-term goal setting.
@lnchoi Thanks Ellen! Glad you like the process. I spent a lot of time mapping out different approaches before I settled on this one. Short-term goals are easier in many ways. You don't need to reflect and look at yourself in the mirror as much as you do with long-term goals. I feel that's why we neglect them.
@kelvinangstrom will do! It reminds me of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. A friend of mine once ceated some kind of Excel Cockpit to monitor the progress of his life goals, but this is so much better. I drop you a line once I have feedback.
Really like it so far! The structure of Life Goals, Milestones, Projects and Tasks is very similar to what I do on an ad hoc basis, so it's really cool to see it laid out in an organized way. I'll try it out more and let you know if I have any additional feedback.
@clinton_anderson1 Ahh thanks Clinton! :) I put a lot of work into it and I will continue to improve it over time. I saw your tweets too and I will definitely consider your suggestions. Would it be cool if I use your comment above as a testimonial? I would credit it to @ClintonA rather than your full name.
@kelvinangstrom . Very useful product. Thinking with the end in the mind has cleared my goals more.
Thanks for using your skills and time to build this and provide it to others for free.
The interactivity is the best part. I have been studying developing user interfaces in grad school and this cemented what the best kind of UIs can be.
Grateful to you.
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Icebreakers 3.0 COVID-19 edition
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom
Kelvin Angstrom