Stream to BigQuery by Keen IO - An easy way to get all your interaction data in BigQuery
Stream to BigQuery by Keen IO is a fully-managed data pipeline. Use Keen's 15+ developer SDKs to collect custom JSON event data like user activities and ad interactions. BigQuery gives you the ability to run powerful SQL analysis across your business, and to connect and visualize your data in modern BI tools like Tableau.
Full disclosure, I work at Keen IO! The ability to query event data in SQL has been one of our most-requested features over the years. We're happy to finally unlock that capability with our integration with BigQuery!
Pros:Finally, SQL analysis on keen event data! Plus, Keen can auto-enrich your data with user location and device details.
Cons:If you're not familiar with BigQuery, there will be a learning curve to figuring out how to analyze your data there.