Tech Roulette - Explore your future in a bold world of tech this summer!
Tech Roulette is a free game for the summer where you (and 500 students) get the chance to take a leap into fields of technology through a variety of random intro projects while earning rewards and prizes — all in your free time.
Replit Ventures - A global, teen-friendly, Bitcoin based startup accelerator
Replit Ventures will give a grant of $2000 each to 4 startups and 1 non-profit (in Bitcoin) with a chance for more funding later on. They will have additional help with tools, mentorship, networking, and further fundraising.
Solidity on Replit - Web3 development in the browser
Today, we're announcing Replit's Solidity development environment. This is important for the Web3 community because there's finally an accessible and collaborative way to learn Solidity, which will unlock thousands of new developers in the decentralized web.