@mijustin@nathanbarry@singlefounder The best part of these ideas are that they are genuine and relationship building. I'm a developer, starting to build products and Jolt! gave me so many ideas that I'm looking forward to implementing.
There's lots to love with this book.
1. First off, this hits a real pain point. Makers these days are pretty good at making stuff, but one of the biggest issues we face is getting the word out there. Justin's been doing this for a long time now, so I'm excited to hear what he has to say.
2. These tips will be great, but really I think they're meant to inspire our own marketing ideas, by using these as an example. Having 20 bite size marketing ideas will cause any maker worth his salt to spin up a bunch of his own marketing ideas. I really think marketing is much more of a mindset than a set of repeatable steps. The more exposure we get to it, the stronger the mindset becomes.
3. The price. This is Justin's cheapest product yet. If we can't get $15 value from these tips then we're in the wrong business.
4. Design. Naming. It's simple. It's cool.
I'll definitely be purchasing this.
Lastly, I love how Justin writes his books. Setting the launch date publicly before he's even close to finishing. It really utilises the power of social pressure, I'm a big fan 🤘
(Full disclosure, I'm the book babe reading on the kindle on the picture above. I may be slightly biased.)
Jolt is like Traction & the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing... on steroids. It's the perfect cheatsheet.
The one thing I've learned from reading this awesome book: To question the status quo gives you high opportunities to stand out from the masses! A must read for everbody trying to sell and market their product both online and offline!
Jolt is a great book for creative people who need help with marketing and cannot stand the way most marketing folks talk and write.
As a developer, I realised about two years ago that I needed to learn about marketing to have sustainable projects in the future. I've learnt a lot, but most marketing types bore me after a short time. They always sound so prescriptive without real inspiration. Those people are full of pushy statements saying "You must follow these steps..., my formula…, get my blueprint…". After reading Jolt, I finally realised why that approach does not work for me. Creative people are adverse to formulas. We need a different approach.
This book, Jolt, is different. It feels fresh and inspiring. I think it's just the right approach for creative people. Justin practices what he preaches when he says you need to be different in the way he writes about marketing. If traditional marketing books have turned you off, give Jolt a read.
It won't give you formulas, it will give you inspiration on how you need to approach marketing. It's a mindset book; a very imaginative one. Highly recommended.
Quick and easy read with interesting and, most importantly, actionable ideas.
Justin's whole attitude on "do it, and do it now" is really motivating.
Keep it up!
I loved this book and really hope there will be more to come in the future. Its all about expanding your mind to the opportunities other than the obvious.
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