Pascal Briod

JustAskUsers - Plan, manage, make sense of UX research work to get results!


Just Ask Users is a tool suite for teamwork and sensemaking (synthesis) in UX research. UX Research can get messy. Move your indispensable observations from scattered post-its, notepads and spreadsheets to one central place for team-based sensemaking. Just Ask Users makes it easier for you to discover patterns and themes from research observations.

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Matthias Bohlen
We've built exciting new features in the meantime. Our software is now a "sense-making machine for UX researchers". As a researcher, now you can... * Capture observations that you made during a user study * Tag those observations with tag names to categorize them (according to participant, situation, user's emotion, complexity, point in time, whatever category you find important) * See recurring themes and patterns because our system clusters observations for you, according to the tags that you entered * Upload photos from your Dropbox as evidence for your observations (e.g. photos of the user's environment from an in-context study, or screenshots from a usability test, and much more...) * Mark significant spots in those photos (e.g. an item on the user's desktop or screen) and annotate each spot with an observation that can be tagged, clustered, etc. * Hold a debrief meeting with your team, looking at the Themes that our software helped you to find, making collaborative decisions which themes should be treated as opportunities for design, and to brainstorm new solutions for those opportunities. We have also changed the Freemium model so that you can now conduct an ENTIRE UX research project with MULTIPLE studies, for FREE. This way, you can fully explore the service before subscribing to it. We want you to get value from our software before you pay for it. Save 50% of the time for the analysis of your user research results using our system! How does that sound? Cheers, Matthias
Pascal Briod
I've tried their recruiting service for user tests, and although there could be some UX improvements to the process, it's working and seems to be a good way to recruit targeted user groups for user interviews. It cost $20 per participant (+ what you decide pay to the participant).
Matthias Bohlen
@pbriod Hi Pascal, thanks for using our solution. Good to hear that your user test worked well. We are looking forward to do more for you!
Matthias Bohlen
We pivoted. User recruiting is becoming so difficult that a machine is simply not creative enough to do it. Requests from professional UX researchers (such as "bring me CEOs of companies in Scotland who earn more than 500k per year") showed us that humans can do this better in the real world, instead of a machine crawling the social networks. Our _new value proposition_: Plan, manage and track your UX research projects and get more done. We created a _collaboration platform for UX teams_ who want to... * get findings by talking to users * derive opportunities for UX improvement from those findings * generate product and design ideas to enhance their product. Our new collaboration platform helps those teams to organize their work: * create research questions * define tasks to find the answers/insights for those questions * assign those tasks to team members * hold each other accountable to solve the tasks Get more done in a UX research project. Use "Just Ask Users" to help you with the boring stuff so that you and your team can focus on the creative part. Sign up for free and try it for yourself! We welcome your feedback!
Matthias Bohlen
Today, we're excited: Our new product called "Insights" is now live on the Just Ask Users platform! What it does for you: As a UX researcher, you can now create user studies and capture the observations that you make during those studies, in real time! During capture, you #hashtag the observations so that Insights can group them and filter them by tag. A Theme Builder allows you to extract observations with certain tag sets so that your UX team can see recurring themes among the observations in no time. Examples for tags: The name of the persona, or the phase in the customer journey, or the name of the web page on which the user was active, etc., you name it! Filter and group by what it important for you. Have a look at our website and try Insights for free: Please tell your friends in UX research about it – they will love it, too.
Matthias Bohlen
For the last 20 years, I have been a coach for software engineering, helping product development teams get their software out the door without losing their minds in the process. What does this have to do with user recruiting? Originally, I created in early 2016, for startups and young companies to help them run customer interviews to validate their product ideas. I got this idea when I saw various teams struggle when they built software that no customer really wanted. What they needed was input from real people, i.e. future users of their product. From the first feedback that I got, it became clear that this service would also be very attractive to user experience and market researchers because they have to find users for their interviews, too. It became clear that recruiting users who fit a certain demographic (and other, more fine-tunable screening criteria) is such a common problem that a highly automated solution was needed to make it affordable and fast. That's why I wrote it. So, whether you are a startup, a UX professional or a market researcher: Be most welcome on ! Get all the feedback that your product needs to flourish!
Matthias Bohlen
New feature this week: Prioritize user research tasks with a simple drag and drop!